Page 53 - Winter2017
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As little as two teaspoons per day of the result- to place in plain view on the refrigerator or the inside of a cabinet door.
ing juice can go far to help cleanse and heal the These charts can list the person’s supplements or products, dosages,
digestive system. time of day, whether to take with or without food and so forth, as well
Fire water is equally useful as a seasoning as including checkboxes to keep track of doses taken (see sample chart
for meals. It can be helpful to keep it close to below). Without such a visual aid, it can become overwhelming to keep up
one’s herbs and spices to add to salad dressings, with everything needed! This strategy was a life-saver when my husband
soups and other savory dishes. was recovering from his chronic Lyme disease and rheumatoid arthritis.
In severe cases where one’s ability to eat In addition to placing a chart on our refrigerator, I also printed copies
anything at all is compromised, meat stock and/ for him to take to work, as he was often away for many days at a time.
or a modified version of WAPF’s homemade I did the same for my father when helping him through his cancer
baby formula are very nourishing and promote diagnosis. Initially, he felt overwhelmed with his supplements, prescrip-
healing. These can even be offered in a GI tube tions and herbals, but my chart made his regimen very doable. I even
when oral feeding is impossible. Also remem- prioritized each of the components on his chart with color coding, as he
ber cod liver and coconut oils, and use extra often literally could not stomach everything suggested for him.
liposomal vitamin C to aid healing and combat Some prescriptions or supplements need to be taken early in the
infection. morning or before bed. For these, I keep a dish with a few pills on our
bathroom vanity to make it easier to remember to take them. This may
REMEDIES not be wise if little fingers are able to reach a potentially dangerous pill
In addition to diet, our household employs or supplement, so exercise good judgment.
a variety of nutritional supplements and herbal
and homeopathic protocols. We keep several REST, SWEET REST
items in our “medicine cabinet”—a drawer It is important to remember that one key component of any healing
in our pantry—for regular preventive use and protocol is rest. Without this, the body will take far longer to heal—if it
also as the need arises. These include vitamin can even heal at all. If it is mom who is experiencing a health crisis, it
C, fermented cod liver oil products, colloidal helps for the children to learn to help with daily chores such as cooking
silver, herbal products and essential oils (see and cleaning. Even toddlers can be taught to put their things away. The
sidebar p. 52). family also can learn to simplify meals and tolerate messes.
It can be helpful to create and print charts Make sure there is a quiet space—a refuge—where the ill family
Morning Breakfast Mid-morning Lunch Mid-afternoon Dinner Bedtime
Remedy and Dosage (empty (empty (empty
stomach) stomach) stomach)
Liposomal vitamin C X X
(1 tablespoon)
Fermented cod liver oil X
(1 teaspoon)
(1/2 teaspoon)
Wild teasel X X X
(30 drops)
Enzymes X X X
(2 tablets)
Monolauric acid X X X
(1 scoop)
Homeopathic Ledum X X
(5 pellets)
Low-dose naltrexone
(1 tablet)
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 53