Page 51 - Winter2017
P. 51

Homeopathy Journal
                             The Wise Traditions Pantry
                          HELP FOR THE F       AMIL
                                      By Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH, RSHom (NA)
                                                    By Maureen Diaz

               Today, it seems hardly a family escapes  lost with a more restrictive diet. In many cases,   It is my
            some form of potentially debilitating chronic  therefore, the diet of the affected person may
            ailment, be it an autoimmune disorder, diabetes,  need to be quite different from that of the rest of   opinion that
            digestive ailments, food allergies or, increas-  the family. That does not mean that it is impos-  no illness or
            ingly, cancer. Dealing with such illness on a  sible to change out some ingredients for family   health
            day-to-day basis can be extremely stressful  meals in such a way as to satisfy and nourish
            for the entire household, but especially for the  everyone. For instance, if gluten is a problem,   problem,
            mom, who is often the one to take charge of her  it is very easy to substitute spaghetti squash or   whether
            family’s meals and health.                soaked or sprouted brown rice for traditional   acute or
               Our family has had to face several rounds  pasta. Cauliflower “rice” is also a wonderful
            of serious illness, including Lyme disease,  substitute when it is necessary to eliminate all   chronic, can
            rheumatoid arthritis and severe gut issues. In  grains for a time (as with the GAPS diet, Spe-  be overcome
            each case, we have chosen to treat the condition  cific Carbohydrate Diet, or Paleo Autoimmune   without first
            primarily with dietary changes, making adjust-  protocol). Pulverized pork rinds work very   seriously
            ments to our otherwise quite excellent tradi-  well in place of bread crumbs in many recipes.
            tional diet. We implemented these changes after  This substitution is my go-to for dishes such as   addressing
            carefully considering the family’s overall needs  meatloaf or as a topping for casseroles. I simply   dietary
            and desires. Although this path was sometimes  toss the pork rinds into my food processor and
            difficult, we developed strategies that worked  process for a few seconds to reduce them to   changes.
            well for us. I hope our experience can furnish  crumbs.
            inspiration and ideas for other families who may   When it is necessary to avoid dairy, coco-
            be encountering similar challenges.       nut milk or cream are delicious replacements.
                                                      It is possible to whip coconut cream like heavy
            ONE DIET FOR ALL?                         cream and also culture it for yogurt. Ghee is
               It is my opinion that no illness or health  nearly always a good replacement for straight
            problem, whether acute or chronic, can be  butter. Some people may want to try to include
            overcome without first seriously addressing  a small amount of twenty-four-hour, cultured,
            dietary changes. The changes might be as  full-fat raw yogurt every day. Once the indi-
            simple as adding fermented foods to the diet or  vidual tolerates the yogurt well, adding extra
            eliminating irritants such as conventional dairy  raw cream can make it even better.
            products, commercial vegetable oils or grains.   Often those suffering with arthritic condi-
            Dietary changes can be of great benefit to the  tions, as my husband does, may benefit from
            entire family and may bring about unexpected  eliminating grains (even when properly pre-
            results for other family members besides the one  pared), as well as sugars (other than raw honey),
            suffering the illness.                    all non-traditional fats and nightshades (toma-
               Although feeding the whole family the  toes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers). When we
            same restricted or special diet can work in some  make meals that normally contain any of these,
            situations, an across-the-board approach will  I remove a portion for my husband before I add
            sometimes be met with resistance, particularly  the offending ingredients (such as tomatoes in
            from children. Moreover, some family members  chili or sauce). In this way, he can enjoy a meal
            may actually need the nutrients that would be  that is similar to what the rest of us are eating

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