Page 46 - Winter2017
P. 46

Reading Between the Lines

         By Merinda Teller

         Modern Assaults on the Thyroid

                    In the        Thyroid health is critically important. The  recognize them thus far.” ) They include:
                 modern       thyroid gland—which makes and secretes hor-    Type 1 (the failure to produce sufficient
                              mones that regulate metabolism—influences  •
          era, the small  cells, tissues and organs throughout the body.   thyroid hormones)
             but mighty       As one thyroid expert puts it, “Without your  •   Type 2 (thyroid hormone resistance, where
                  thyroid     thyroid, you’d wind down like a child’s toy.”  the body is unable to recognize or use the
                                 Unfortunately, in the modern era the small
                                                                           thyroid hormones that it produces)
             gland—and  but mighty thyroid gland—and the entire en-    •   Type 3 (autoimmune thyroid disease, in-
               the entire     docrine system of which it is a part—are under   cluding Hashimoto’s)
              endocrine       attack from many directions. An estimated  •   Type 4 (severe selenium deficiency)   6
                              twenty million Americans suffer from some  •   Type 5 (Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome).
               system of  type of disorder that affects the thyroid, with
              which it is     women far more likely (five to eight times) than   According to Dr. Thompson, the five types
             a part—are       men to have thyroid problems. According to  are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
                                                                           For virtually all of these thyroid-related
                              the American Thyroid Association, more than
           under attack  12 percent of the U.S. population will develop  conditions, dietary and environmental factors
             from many        a thyroid condition in their lifetime.  Even so,  are major parts of the problem.  Aspects of mod-
              directions.     many conventional health care workers fail  ern life that are contributing to thyroid disease
                              to recognize and accurately diagnose thyroid  include the Standard American high-soy, lowfat
                              problems.                                and fat-soluble-vitamin-deficient diet; iodine
                                                                       imbalances;  and exposure to toxic substances,
                              HYPOTHYROIDISM                           notably fluoride.   Diet  and  detoxification
                                 Eight out of ten individuals with a thyroid  should, therefore, represent critical elements of
                              disorder have an underactive thyroid (hypothy-  any solution. As holistic nutritionist Dr. Ronda
                              roidism). Most often, this will be Hashimoto’s  Nelson states, “Don’t fix your thyroid, feed it!” 11
                              thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition in which
                              the immune system attacks (and eventually in-  THYROID-UNFRIENDLY SOY
                              capacitates) the thyroid as if it were an enemy.   A singular feature of the modern American
                              Hashimoto’s is on the rise but is already the  diet is its reliance on and love affair with myriad
                              most common autoimmune disease in the U.S.,  forms of cheap industrially processed soy. As
                              prompting massive sales of synthetic thyroid  Michael Pollan has observed, “A food scientist
                              hormones.  Thyroid authority Raphael Kellman  can construct just about any processed food he
                              makes the important point that Hashimoto’s  or she can dream up” with soy (as well as corn
                              actually is not a thyroid disease but rather “an  and “a handful of synthetic additives”). 12
                              autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid.” 4  Long-time Wise Traditions readers will
                                 Based on years of clinical observation, Dr.  know, however, that soy isoflavones inhibit the
                              Robert Thompson, author of The Calcium Lie,   enzyme thyroid peroxidase (TPO), that plays a
                              has developed five distinct categories of hypo-  key role in thyroid hormone synthesis, and they
                              thyroidism that illustrate the many different  also interfere with thyroid hormone production:
                              ways that thyroid health can go awry. (He admits  “This interference can cause a drop in thyroid
                              that “the medical profession does not generally  hormone levels, an increase in thyroid stimulat-

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