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fluoridation as a safe public health measure.” 10 U.K. counterparts, these Indian investigators Fluoride has a
In rat studies, researchers in India have are alarmed by the public health policy of fluo-
observed that subjecting rats to a sub-acute ridating drinking water, particularly in light of known ability
exposure to sodium fluoride for thirty days the growth disturbances and underlying thyroid to “interfere
induces thyroid dysfunction, and that the disease detected in their sample of adolescents. with thyroid
“structural abnormality of thyroid follicles by
fluoride intoxication clearly indicates its thyro- CONCLUSIONS gland
toxic manifestation.” Other Indian researchers There are many other factors that influence function
have administered high-fluoride water to rats thyroid health and the functioning of the endo- and to cause
expressly to study “fluoride-induced changes crine system as a whole. Dr. Ronda Nelson puts
on…thyroid hormone status.” Studying the stress at the top of the list of factors to address. degenerative
rats across three generations, the research team In addition to lowering one’s stress, Hashimoto’s changes in
documented “generational or cumulative effects expert Izabella Wentz considers it fundamental the central
of fluoride on the development of the offspring to support the liver and adrenals, balance the
when…ingested continuously through multiple gut and evaluate “root cause” factors such as nervous
generations.” Because thyroid hormone plays infections and toxins. Although tackling sub- system.”
such a crucial role in brain development, the optimal thyroid health may seem like a daunting
investigators concluded that changes in the prospect, many of the same steps that one might
thyroid hormone levels may have “imbalanced take to adopt a Wise Traditions diet and lifestyle
the oxidant/antioxidant system” and reduced will go far toward nourishing the thyroid.
learning memory.
A human study in India considered school
children living in “endemic fluorosis areas” REFERENCES
where the children not only exhibited wide- 1. Thompson R, Barnes K. Hypothyroidism. http://www.
spread dental fluorosis but also low IQ and 2. American Thyroid Association. General information/
other developmental problems. Whereas U.S. press room.
public health authorities define dental fluorosis 3. hypothyroidism/.
Wentz I. Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Re-
as a common and seemingly benign condition versing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back.
that simply “causes changes in the appearance 4. New York, NY: HarperOne, 2017.
Kellman R. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: we can win
of tooth enamel,” fluorosis is actually a sign this battle! Huffpost, April 24, 2015. https://www.
of chronic fluoride poisoning. This particular
group of Indian researchers views fluorosis as 5. thyroiditis-we_2_b_7118690.html.
Thompson R, Barnes K. The Calcium Lie: What Your
a marker for developmental disorders, noting Doctor Doesn’t Know Could Kill You. Brevard, NC:
fluoride’s known ability to “interfere with thy- 6. InTruth Press, 2008.
Wilson D. Wilson’s thyroid syndrome: the thyroid’s role
roid gland function and to cause degenerative in depression, anxiety, and other symptoms. https://
changes in the central nervous system [and]
impairment of brain function.” Like their syndrome-the-thyroids-role-in-depression-anxiety-and-
Holistic medicine pioneer Raphael Kellman has made it one of his missions to publicize the link between hypothy-
roidism and autism spectrum disorders. Many strands of evidence support this link. Dr. Kellman notes, in particular,
that the developing fetus and infant are highly susceptible to the array of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that
have been associated with both thyroid disease and autism, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated
diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), perchlorates, phthalates, dioxins, bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals and more.
Dr. Kellman notes that, in cancer, “the dose makes the poison”—but endocrine-disrupting chemicals “play by
different rules.” He continues, “Here, one can say, ‛the timing makes the poison.’ …In other words, neurological
development is like a chemical ballet, dependent on the right hormone message being sent and received at precisely
the right time and in the right amount. This ballet opens windows of vulnerability.” In short, “Even low doses of EDCs,
which may have little effect on adults, can have devastating effects on the unborn, neonate and child.” 33
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