Page 52 - Winter2017
P. 52

Fermented        and I do not have to prepare an entirely separate  and I often use it in chowder for a very satisfying

             foods such       dish. In such cases, I might add stock and sour  and nutritious meal.
                                                                           Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and
                              cream instead of the tomatoes, and use thinly
          as sauerkraut       sliced zucchini in place of lasagna noodles. (A  especially beet kvass are generally fantastic for
         and especially       “spiralizer” is a useful kitchen tool for making  healing and detoxifying. It’s ideal to consume
              beet kvass      “pasta” from vegetables—a real blessing in the  a little sauerkraut at each meal, even if only the
                                                                       juice. While in the healing phase of his illness,
           are generally         I do the same with desserts. The kids can  my husband started every morning with three
            fantastic for     enjoy panna cotta, flan, ice cream, cake or cook-  ounces of beet kvass which I made with plenty
            healing and       ies made with maple syrup or coconut sap sugar  of garlic for an even more powerful tonic. This
                              and sprouted grains, but my husband cannot.  is a great way for any of us to start the day,
            detoxifying.      For him, I use a small amount of raw honey  whether we are ill or not! When an intestinal

                              or monk fruit and use grain- and starch-free  bug is making its way through the household,
                              flours that I make myself. Many delicious des-  the juice of kimchi, sauerkraut or other ferments
                              serts are possible—even without sugar, grains  is a sure way to chase the bug away. (It can be
                              and cream—and there is often no need to make  important to go easy, however, because a little
                              separate versions.                       goes a long way; everyone may need to stay
                                                                       close to a bathroom for a time.)
                              HEALING FOODS                                “Fire water” is another excellent ferment to
                                 Many ailments, including diabetes and  keep on hand to chase away the “beasties” and
                              cancer, can improve considerably with a low-  facilitate healing of chronic illness. It is a simple
                              carbohydrate diet. An easy way to accomplish  ferment of garlic (one to two heads per quart),
                              this is to increase the intake of beneficial fats  ginger (to taste), a yellow onion or two, a jala-
                              such as butter, cream and full-fat yogurt from  peño or cayenne pepper, horseradish (optional)
                              grass-fed animals, as well as coconut oil, lard  and salt (one tablespoon per quart). There are no
                              and olive oil. With adequate fats, vegetables can  hard-and-fast rules as to the quantities of each
                              replace foods high in carbs and starches and  ingredient. Simply chop up and toss together
                              accompany high-quality proteins such as eggs  all of the ingredients, place them in a jar, add
                              from pastured hens, grass-fed and grass-finished  enough filtered or spring water to cover and al-
                              beef and pastured pork. Wild-caught seafood  low to ferment on the counter for five to seven
                              can also be a great addition to the healing diet,  days, “burping” the jar if not using an airlock.

                                          MAUREEN’S BASIC “MEDICINE” CABINET

             •  Liposomal or buffered vitamin C (I use Perque Potent C Guard)
             •  Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil
             •  Fire water
             •  Hydrogen peroxide (3%)
             •  Colloidal silver
             •  Lugol’s iodine (5%)
             •  Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
             •  Activated charcoal or bentonite clay (for upset stomachs and food poisoning; also excellent for burns)
             •  Epsom salts
             •  Clear/empty vegetable capsules (for filling with essential oils or powdered products)
             •  Essential oils (peppermint, oregano, chamomile, tea tree, lavender and rosemary)
             •  Aloe vera
             •  Raw honey
             •  Garlic
             •  Ginger
             •  Homeopathic remedies such as Arnica montana (great for traumatic injuries and bruises), Ledum palustre (for insect
               bites or as part of some Lyme disease protocols), Sulphur (skin problems) and Apis mellifica (bee stings or conditions
               involving swelling)

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