Page 54 - Winter2017
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member can escape for as long as needed, even CARE FOR THE CAREGIVER
for days, weeks or months. It can be healing to When I was in the thick of caring for my very ill husband, people often
make calming music or audio books available reminded me to take time to care for myself, too. Initially, my response
and helpful to enlist the help of other family was to brush this suggestion off; after all, I was the one who was well!
members and friends. Above all, be mindful But as the weeks and months passed, with little sleep and even less relax-
and understanding of the family member who ation or enjoyment, I began to appreciate what these wise well-wishers
needs rest for recovery, and try to create a happy, meant. Caring for others is rewarding but can be exhausting. It can rob
calm environment for as long as it takes. This caregivers of sleep and life’s pleasures and even have a deleterious effect
is always desirable anyway and makes for a on their own health. One can quickly become burned out under this kind
happy life! of stress. In my case, I was very stubborn and rarely accepted help from
others until a wise woman gave me this piece of advice: refusing offers
FINDING JOY of assistance robs others of the blessing and pleasure they would derive
Let’s not overlook the fact that a joyful heart from helping, and it would be better for everyone if I could swallow my
eases all burdens. In a home filled with strife, pride and accept the help. This freed me of the guilt I associated with
there is no rest and often no healing. It is impor- needing help.
tant to find ways to keep the atmosphere happy, Recognizing that caregivers need to take a break now and then,
whether with music, playfulness or cooperation. strategies include asking someone to give the caregiver a few hours’ or
Other simple measures to foster joy can include a day’s relief to get out to do something they enjoy, or asking others to
turning off the television and taking out a board occasionally help with laundry or to bring a meal. For meal help, it is
game; reading a favorite book to one’s loved good to offer a list of the ingredients and even a recipe to ensure that the
one; taking the person who is healing outside in meal meets the family’s dietary and healing requirements. Most people
the sunshine; enjoying the birds, the breeze and will be agreeable to this and may even be pleased to learn something new.
nature; having meals outside at a picnic table or Whether the healing journey is brief or long, we should strive to enjoy
on the lawn; and opening up the blinds and let- and cherish the life we’ve been given for as long as we have it. And we
ting the light in. The healing rays can brighten should always let those we care about know of our love for them!
up any room, any day and every life!
4 cups crispy nuts, processed to a fine crumb in a food processor
2 cups full-fat coconut flour
2 tablespoons ground chia seeds
2 tablespoons baking powder (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons salt (optional)
This flour mix is suitable for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)
and the Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) diet. For a ready-to-use baking mix, add the baking powder and salt to the mix. Keep
1 teaspoon gelatin
1 cup full-fat coconut milk
2 raw egg yolks
1 cup coconut cream
1/4 cup honey
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
In a small, heavy saucepan, sprinkle the gelatin over the coconut milk and let soften for 5 minutes. Gently simmer,
stirring constantly, until all of the gelatin is dissolved. Turn off heat. Whisk the egg yolks into the coconut cream and add
the egg yolk-coconut cream mixture to the coconut milk. Add the honey and vanilla extract. Place in a glass container,
covered, in the freezer. Stir every 30 minutes until frozen (about 2-3 hours).
54 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017