Page 47 - Winter2017
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ing hormone and stress on the thyroid gland,”  calls into question the certainty” of the suppos-  The body
            which is “a prescription for thyroid trouble.”   edly protective soy-heart relationship.  This
            Even one serving of soy food can pack more of  landmark shift from an ordinarily intractable   needs fats
            a thyroid-inhibiting punch (“up to three times  agency is good news not just for heart health   to make
            the goitrogenic potency”) as pharmaceutical  but also for thyroid health. In fact, the two are   hormones;
            drugs intentionally designed for that purpose.   intricately interrelated. Cardiovascular symp-
            A health writer who has reviewed the body of  toms are “some of the most characteristic and   when intake
            evidence on soy and the thyroid advises caution  common” signs of thyroid disease, and thyroid   of healthy fats
            with all forms of fractionated soy, particularly  dysfunction can explain “changes in cardiac   is inadequate,
            because these products also are likely to derive  output, cardiac contractility, blood pressure,
            from genetically modified (GM) soy. 14    vascular resistance and rhythm disturbances.” 17   hormone
               In the Journal of Medical Case Reports in  A thyroid blogger asks, “Could there be people   levels
            2017, Japanese researchers corroborated soy’s  on statin drugs and blood pressure medication…  “plummet”
            role as an “exogenous food” capable of inter-  who are actually undiagnosed hypothyroidism
            fering with thyroid hormone production. They  sufferers?” 18                       and the
            presented (to their knowledge) “the first report                                   hormone-
            of the presence of [soy] isoflavone in the serum  LOWFAT, LOW-CARB, HELP!          producing
            of a patient with severe hypothyroidism.”  The   Another piece of dogma that continues to
            report described the case of a seventy-two-year-  steer Americans’ eating habits—and thyroid   thyroid
            old woman who showed up at the hospital with  health—in the wrong direction is the slow-to-  “similarly
            sudden-onset severe hypothyroidism after six  go-away advice to eat a lowfat diet. (Fortunately,   takes a hit.”
            months of regularly consuming a processed soy-  this advice also has just taken a major hit; an
            containing “health drink.” Because the woman  eighteen-country study published in The Lancet
            was an ongoing patient, the researchers had ac-  in November 2017 shows no association between
            cess to her frozen serum from five time points  total fat or saturated fat intake and heart disease,
            before the hospital admission and continuing for  while pointing to a higher risk of total mortal-
            several months after admission. This allowed  ity associated with high carbohydrate intake. )
            them to pinpoint the soy isoflavones as the   The Hormones & Balance website (au-
            culprit for the patient’s sudden decline, leading  thored by a holistic health coach who recovered
            the authors to conclude that “consuming health  from Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s and adrenal
            drinks that include soy isoflavone powder ex-  fatigue) makes the point that our bodies need
            tract can lead to severe hypothyroidism.” After  good-quality fats to absorb the all-important
            immediate discontinuation of the beverage, the  fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)—crucial
            woman’s thyroid markers gradually returned to  vitamins that thyroid patients often are lack-
            more normal levels.                       ing.  Secondly, the body needs fats to make
               The ringing endorsement of commercial  hormones; when intake of healthy fats is in-
            soy by celebrity doctors such as Andrew Weil  adequate, hormone levels “plummet” and the
            and Christiane Northrup has helped perpetu-  hormone-producing thyroid “similarly takes a
            ate the erroneous belief that products such as  hit.”  Some of the healthiest fats in this (and
            soy milk are healthy, but those days may be  many other) regards include butter, ghee and co-
            numbered. In response to a petition submitted  conut oil. As certified nutritionist Kim Schuette
            almost ten years ago by the Weston A. Price  points out, all three fats are excellent sources
            Foundation, the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-  of butyric acid, which plays an important role
            tration (FDA) belatedly has proposed revoking  in supporting delivery of thyroid hormones to
            food manufacturers’ ability to claim that soy  receptor sites throughout the body.  Others
            protein reduces heart disease risk. An FDA  agree that “high intake of saturated and mono-
            representative stated, “This is the first time we  unsaturated fat but low intake of polyunsatu-
            have considered it necessary to propose a rule  rated fat would seem to be optimal for thyroid
            to revoke a health claim,” admitting that “the  function.” 22
            totality of currently available scientific evidence   Schuette’s discussion of beneficial fats

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