Page 43 - Winter2017
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is on our plate. Peru is at a critical crossroads, in Aija (nestled in the black range of the Andes) We cannot
and for many, it seems as though there are only and a group of all ages dedicated to the art and afford to lose
two paths to choose from—and choosing one science of permaculture. Everywhere, our talks
means giving up the other. People view the were incredibly well-received. Without having indigenous
crossroads as “modern” versus “traditional;” heard Dr. Price’s name or read his book, we wisdom. We
countryside versus city life (a third of the Peru- found that many Peruvians already carry his must be
vian population now lives in the capital city of message in their hearts. Sharing Nutrition and
Lima); Inca Kola versus chicha (an ancient fer- Physical Degeneration simply provided a little committed
mented corn beverage); Spanish versus Quechua more proof of what Peruvians have known for to doing
(one of the many indigenous languages still spo- thousands of years, namely, that “Life in all its our part to
ken in the country today); textiles handwoven fullest is Mother Nature obeyed.”
in the Andes versus preserve
jeans imported from NEXT STEPS what is left
China; and the list In the aftermath and to teach
goes on and on. But of our trip, the very
do we really have important question others to do
to make such black- arises as to what our the same.
and-white choices? next steps might be,
Does accepting the both within and out-
inevitable wave of side of Peru. What
modernity mean that do we do in the face
we must give up all of cultural erosion,
that is old, ances- which includes culi-
tral and traditional? nary erosion? What
The Weston A. Price can we do as indi-
Foundation, channel- viduals—and also
ing Dr. Price´s mes- collectively as mem-
sage, tells us that it “To know our past is the starting point for building bers of the Founda-
does not have to be possible futures.” We met Wilfredo Puma Llanos tion—to help Peru
this way. We can use on the streets of Pisac, carrying this beautiful sign. and other countries
technology to our ad- that are still closer to
vantage to help us preserve thousands of years their roots? There is so much left that we can
of accumulated wisdom about how to eat and help save.
live in harmony with the earth. We are all connected. Lost culinary wisdom
As representatives of the Foundation, our in Peru affects you and me, even if you never
goal in our Peruvian journey was not to preach visit the land of the Incas. That it took me forty-
but rather to inspire. We started each talk by five minutes to find a caldo in Yunguyo matters
telling the audience: “You know more than we to you and me and every person on the planet.
do. This is your land, and these are your grand- We cannot afford to lose indigenous wisdom.
parents and your traditions. It is your wisdom We must be committed to doing our part to
to remember.” We said that we were traveling preserve what is left and to teach others to do
as messengers of Dr. Price because his book the same, just as Dr. Price did so long ago.
is remarkable and important. It provides all of Peru is a place to which we can lend our
us, whether in Peru or beyond, with a roadmap prayers, our resources and our actions. We are
from the past to show us how to take our next establishing two WAPF chapters in Lima. We
step into creating a beautiful future together. filmed our hour-long talk in Spanish about the
We shared Dr. Price´s message with many message in Dr. Price’s book and plan to publish
different kinds of people, including young, it on YouTube so that Spanish speakers world-
bright students from the National Agrarian wide can watch it and learn more about the
University in Lima, small-town schoolchildren value of traditional wisdom in the kitchen and
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 43