Page 38 - Winter2017
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may be incorporated. The goal is to eliminate castor oil packs and hydrotherapy. These therapies can enhance home-
the toxic liver stressors and their effects due to opathy and gemmotherapy.
past use of over-the-counter and prescription UNDA Numbered Compounds are complex homeopathic remedies
medications, estrogenics and xenobiotics from that comprise homeopathic dilutions of both plant and metal sources.
food, water and personal care products as well Being homeopathic, there is no plant or metal elemental form present
as synthetic hormones. Ensuring regular daily in these remedies. The presence of the homeopathic dilutions (at a 12X
bowel movements is also critical in this process. potency) of the various metals allows the remedies to cross the cell
Dr. Dickson Thom, DDS, ND, explains bio- membranes and stimulate intracellular detoxification. The seventy-five
therapeutic drainage in this way: “Drainage is individual UNDA Numbered Compounds can be combined to create
the process of detoxifying the body by opening eleven hundred different protocols, providing a wide range of options
the emunctories and then discharging the toxic tailored to the individual’s needs.
accumulations. However, in reality it is a much Key forms of drainage that I use most often are gemmotherapy
more complex process in that it provides a sup- and UNDA Numbered Compounds. Gemmotherapy remedies are plant
port for the natural progression and maturation remedies. They are specifically derived from the most embryonic part
throughout life.” 11 of the various plants that have been identified for their abilities to drain,
Drainage (or biotherapeutic drainage) is of- regenerate and restore function to particular organs and glands. These
ten confused with detoxification. The two terms remedies are made from young plant parts that include buds, rootlets,
are closely related but have specific differences. shoots or stems. The targeted portions of the plant are gently extracted
Detoxification refers to the process of cleansing and diluted using water, glycerin and alcohol. Gemmotherapy remedies
a particular organ or gland or using therapeutic are very supportive in recovering from the consequences of bioidentical
support to eliminate a toxin such as a toxic hormone therapy. The key gemmotherapy remedies are Sequoia Gigantea,
metal, parasite, chemical or pathogenic yeast. Quercus Pedunculata and Ribes Nigrum.
Detoxification tends to employ commonly used For specific adrenal support, Ribes Nigrum, a gemmotherapy extract
remedies without considering the individual’s from the black currant bud, is one of the most beneficial supports for re-
elimination ability based on many factors. generation of the adrenal glands. Ashwagandha, an herbal extract tincture,
Drainage takes into account each person’s is also an excellent adaptagenic support for adrenals and especially for
unique metabolic status and requires a knowl- those who are creating high levels of reverse T3.
edge of the individual’s health history, level of For thyroid support, the gemmotherapy Prunus Amgydalus serves to
health and elimination patterns and tendencies, help restore and balance function. Additionally, for those with hypothy-
among other factors. Biotherapeutic drainage roidism, Mediherb’s Thyroid Complex provides bladderwrack, bacopa
was developed in Europe at the turn of the and ashwagandha along with trace minerals, including iodine. This is
twentieth century. There are several forms of an excellent formula for improving sluggish metabolism. It is especially
drainage remedies. These include gemmother- beneficial for those persons who are underconverting T4 to T3. In my
apy or plant stem cell remedies, single remedy practice, we find this effective along with complex carbs in moderation.
homeopathy and complex homeopathy (such as Support for estrogen dominance should always include liver drainage.
UNDA Numbered Compounds). Two gemmotherapy remedies that are time tested for efficacy of detoxing
In order for the body to heal, toxins must estrogenic compounds are rosmarinus (extract from rosemary buds) and
be released and affected tissues regenerated. juniperus (from juniper buds). Milk thistle, as a tincture, is also a very
It is always ideal that the release of toxins be effective herb for assisting the liver in breaking down and eliminating
done as gently as possible. Drainage therapies estrogen and estrogen-like compounds. Daily inclusion of kelp for iodine
are designed to do just that. In addition to the and beet kvass further support the liver’s challenges from poor clearance
aforementioned remedies, drainage includes of excess estrogen.
simple therapies such as massage, dry saunas, In cases where estrogen deficiency exists, the gemmotherapy Se-
1 pound butter or ghee or coconut oil (cultured, grass-fed and organic is best, but any will do)
1/8 to 1/4 cup raw honey
Bring butter to room temperature. Blend with raw honey. Store in refrigerator. May keep jar in purse or backpack as
needed during day. Take 1-2 tablespoons every 30-60 minutes during waking hours for a minimum of two weeks.
38 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017