Page 34 - Winter2017
P. 34

women is sleep disruption. Either falling asleep is a challenge or staying  •   Eliminate obstacles to balance
         asleep is a problem.                                          •   Eat a Wise Traditions diet
             Typically, those who have trouble falling asleep are experiencing an  •   Correct digestion and blood sugar control
         inverted cortisol pattern. Rather than cortisol being at its lowest point at  •   Manage chronic prolonged stress
         bedtime, cortisol actually climbs to its highest level. Many experience  •   Establish rhythm and spend time outdoors
         this in the form of a “second wind.” Several factors can contribute to  •   Support detoxification and elimination
         this inverted cortisol pattern: prior use of birth control hormones, over-  •   Address specific hormone imbalances
         consumption of caffeine, chronic stress and working or living in bright  •   Do regular movement and exercise
         lighting at night.                                            •   Sleep restfully.
             Correction of elevated cortisol that is keeping one from falling
         asleep at a decent hour (between 9:00 and 10:00 PM) can be achieved  ELIMINATE OBSTACLES TO BALANCE
         by a multi-faceted approach. This involves establishing a consistent     It is vital to eliminate as many obstacles as
         rhythm in one’s day, including regular wake and sleep times, as well as  possible that block the endocrine system from
         regular meal times and time outdoors. Often it is necessary to support  staying in a state of homeostasis or balance. The
         the hypothalamus and pituitary glands via nutritional therapy. The use of  following destroy health and may encourage
         protomorphogens, particular to these glands, has proven very effective.  estrogen dominance. We will discuss some of
         In my nutrition practice, we use Standard Process’ Hypothalmex, Hypo-  these in more detail in the following sections.
         thalamus PMG and Pituitrophin PMG. Additionally, real food sources of
         the whole vitamin E complex provide nutrition for the pituitary glands.  •   Lowfat, high-sugar, high-carb diet
             Regardless of the nature of one’s specific imbalances, the following  •   Over-committed lifestyle
         steps are always vital to hormone balance:                    •   Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas)

                                                 WISE TRADITIONS DIET

              The Wise Traditions diet, which is a varied diet based on the findings of Dr. Weston A. Price, is always the diet of
          choice for those with hormonal challenges. The Wise Traditions diet ensures adequate intake of a variety of healthy tra-
          ditional fats, moderate to small amounts of pastured or wild sources of protein, generous servings of organic vegetables
          and fruits, lacto-fermented vegetables and fruits for gut health, raw and cultured dairy products and moderate to small
          amounts of properly prepared grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
              Iodine is critical, especially for thyroid function. Adequate iodine is essential to optimal health. Eat wild fish and wild
          seafood and sea vegetables. Use unrefined Celtic sea salt. Avoid bromide. Bromide interferes with utilization of iodine in
          the body (in glandular tissues like the thyroid, breasts, ovaries, uterus, prostate). Bromide competes with iodine receptors,
          displacing iodine. Receptors will bind with bromide in its presence. Bromide is found in commercial breads, pasta and
          refined cereals. Avoid pool treatments that utilize bromine, as well as pesticides.
              Selenium is probably the second most important mineral for thyroid function. It is a vital component of the enzymes
          needed to remove iodine molecules from T4 when converting it into the more active form, T3. Selenium is also an anti-
          oxidant, protecting the thyroid gland and immune system. The best dietary source of selenium is Brazil nuts. One to two
          Brazil nuts daily will provide one with plenty of selenium.
              Sulfur (MSM) also provides major support for the thyroid and liver and is involved in the liver’s conversion of T4 to
          T3, the most biologically active thyroid hormone. Sulfur-rich foods include whole eggs, garlic, onions, leeks and others.
              Zinc is necessary in order to make enough active thyroid hormone. It is also necessary for proper conversion of T4
          to T3. Oysters are a delicious source of zinc, as is red meat. Copper and manganese help protect the thyroid from free
              Vitamin D is required for the conversion of T4 to T3 and is needed for TSH production in the pituitary. Sunshine,
          lard from pastured pigs, raw milk and unrefined cod liver oil are excellent sources of vitamin D. Vitamin E is another
          antioxidant important for optimal thyroid function, protecting the thyroid from cellular damage.
              Vitamin A helps to balance the correct levels of thyroid hormones. Adequate vitamin A levels are needed for proper
          thyroid and liver function. Vitamin A is found only in animal fats (butter, ghee, egg yolks, raw cream, liver, oysters, unre-
          fined cod liver oil, fish skin, poultry skin, etc.) which are a vital part of the Wise Traditions diet.
              Magnesium is another mineral essential for thyroid function and the regulation of conversion of T4 to T3. Cooked
          dark leafy green vegetables should be included on a very regular basis. The vitamins niacin and riboflavin regulate thyroid
          activity and contribute to the prevention of either an overactive or underactive thyroid. Niacin additionally works as an

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