Page 35 - Winter2017
P. 35

•   Alcohol and recreational drugs           Rather than blindly supplementing with methylated B , start by
            •   Chronic infections                    consuming foods that are methyl donors daily. Your body knows what
            •   GMOs                                  to do with the nutrients in food. Cooked dark leafy greens, soaked and
            •   Gut permeability                      cooked lentils, liver and beet kvass are all excellent methyl donors and
            •   Electro-magnetic fields, radiation    should be consumed regularly. By increasing dietary sources of methyl
            •   Antibiotics and other prescription and over-  donors, including vitamin B  and folate, the liver’s methylation process
               the-counter medications                is supported in the most natural way.
            •   Toxic personal care and cleaning products,
               most of which contain known estrogenics.  SUPPORT GLUCURONIDATION AND SUPPORTIVE FOODS
                                                         Glucuronidation takes place in the liver and is often involved in the
            SUPPORT LIVER FUNCTION                    metabolism of substances such as drugs, pollutants, bilirubin, androgens,
                As important as it is to eat right for our  estrogens, mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, fatty acid derivatives,
            hormones’ sake, we must also nourish our bod-  retinoids and bile acids. The body uses glucuronidation to make a large
            ies well for proper liver function. Most people  variety of substances more water-soluble, and, in this way, allow for their
            interested in health these days are aware of the  subsequent elimination from the body through urine or feces (via bile
            concern regarding certain genetic mutations  from the liver).
            that affect liver function and detoxification. The     Factors such as hypothyroidism, overweight, excessive estrogen, a
            most talked about mutation influences the liver’s  compromised immune function and smoking affect the rate and efficacy
            methylation pathway. Methylation is involved in  of one’s glucuronidation process.
            almost every bodily biochemical reaction and     Cruciferous vegetables support this pathway. They should be cooked
            occurs billions of times every second in our  (steamed or sautéed) or fermented. Raw cruciferous vegetables, such as
            cells. Methylation mutations, as with all genetic  broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, mustard greens and bok choy are
            mutations, exist because of what was inherited  very goitrogenic. This means they can lower thyroid function, which in
            at birth. However, the genes you inherit from  most cases, we do not want to do.
            your parents are not your destiny. They are     Gotu kola is a perennial plant that is native to the wetland regions
            simply your tendency. Epigenetic factors can  of Asia. It can be used for a variety of reasons. It supports the glucuroni-
            change genetic expression and that is why a  dation pathway. It is known to enhance microcirculation by increasing
            Wise Traditions diet along with lifestyle factors  blood vessel and collagen growth with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
            and changes are so empowering.            properties while preventing swelling. Think of it if you are have skin
                When most people think of methylation,  concerns (such as premature wrinkling, poor scar healing) and edema.
            what immediately comes to mind is MTHFR      Sulfation is a final phase in the liver’s detoxification process. Sulf-
            genes. The tendency in many health circles  oxidation transforms toxic sulfites into sulfate for elimination from the
            is to hyper focus on this one mutation and its  body. Sulfation plays an important role in hormone regulation and metabo-
            potential effect on liver function and hence,  lism. Cell signaling and inflammation control also rely on sulfation. The
            hormones. However, there are multiple genes  body uses sulfation to eliminate many toxic environmental compounds
            that tag team with the MTHFR genes in the  including mercury, acetaminophen, xenobiotics and food additives like
            process of methylation. For this reason, it is  aspartame and sulfites, as well as endogenous toxins from intestinal
            not wise to just start supplementing with the  bacteria, hormones (thyroid, cortisol and other steroidal hormones) and
            typical recommendation of high-dose methyl-  neurotransmitters.
            cobalamin (methylated B ). Many with MTHFR     According to Stephanie Seneff, PhD, one of the world’s foremost
            SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms, the  glyphosate experts, glyphosate depletes the liver of much needed sulfate.
            most common type of genetic variation among  Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup
            people) react poorly to methylated B  due to  and is used in conjunction with genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
            other related genetic mutations involved in  Seneff believes that glyphosate disrupts the transport of sulfate from the
            methylation. MTHFR is a vital enzyme in the  gut to the liver and pancreas. The result is a plethora of diseases. Autism
            folate cycle and is required in the conversion  as well as celiac and other diseases of the gut are all linked to faulty sul-
            of folic acid into L-methylfolate. Synthesis of  fation pathway function.  Elimination of GMOs from the diet is crucial
            neurotransmitters (such as serotonin and dopa-  for wellness.
            mine) can be halted by lack of active folate due     Foods that offer excellent support for the sulfation pathway include
            to MTHFR and other mutations.             organic garlic, leeks, eggs, raw cultured dairy, wild fish and shellfish,

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