Page 37 - Winter2017
P. 37

MANAGE CHRONIC PROLONGED STRESS           with those people who encourage you and do likewise to others.
                Considered by many physicians and health     Medical researcher T.S. Wiley once wrote, “We always knew that
            care practitioners to be the most common culprit  there were certain rules for staying alive in harmony with all other living
            for inflammation and chronic illness, prolonged  things—how much you could eat, how long you could stay awake, and
            stress must be addressed in order to achieve  how much stress you could endure.”
            long-term hormonal balance. The first step     Finally, a key ingredient to stress management is to make a commit-
            in managing chronic stress is to create more  ment to restorative sleep. More on that later.
            margin in one’s day and schedule. This requires
            prioritizing and being realistic.         ESTABLISH RHYTHM AND SPEND TIME OUTDOORS
                Modern culture has imparted high demands     Our hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-gonadal axis is designed to re-
            on individuals with our pervasive use of technol-  ceive signals from the sun, in a roundabout way. These signals are initiated
            ogy. It takes a great deal of self-control to create  by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus. The
            healthy boundaries and safe spaces, if you will.  SCN is the master clock controlling circadian rhythms. In essence, our
            But without boundaries and safe spaces, quiet is  biological time clock, or circadian rhythm takes its cues from sunlight.
            all but stolen from our existence. Take steps to     Prior to the advent of electricity, it was easy to go to bed at an ideal
            limit your availability via email and cell phones.  time, two hours after sunset. As the eye perceives darkness, a message
            Learn to say “no” to excessive commitments.  is transmitted via the optic nerve to the anterior hypothalamus and then
            Refuse to be driven by the tyranny of the urgent.  to the pineal gland. Once received, the pineal gland, a neuroendocrine
            Very few “urgencies” are truly such. Make it a  gland, initiates the production of melatonin. It takes the body roughly two
            practice to turn off devices before dinner. Guard  hours from receipt of this signal to produce melatonin in levels sufficient
            your safe spaces, giving yourself regular time  to induce deep sleep. What happens if we live in bright artificial lights
            outdoors daily without the presence of devices.  all day until late night? You guessed it. We miss the natural signals that
            Practice quietness on a daily basis. Journal, pray,  should be transmitted. We live in a perpetual state of summer. Long days
            meditate. Be still!                       of light which translate to less sleep. 10
                Another area of chronic stress comes in the
            form of unhealthy relationships. Look honestly  SUPPORT DETOXIFICATION AND ELIMINATION
            at those relationships that bring repetitive stress     Gentle detoxification and biotherapeutic drainage provide crucial
            into your day. Take positive action through the  support for balancing hormones and recovering from the use of both
            counsel of trusted friends, therapists, pastors,  bioidentical and synthetic hormone therapy. As a complement to bio-
            priests or rabbis or other counselors. Find solu-  therapeutic drainage, simple home therapies such as castor oil packs,
            tions to rebuild strong relationships. Spend time  dry brushing, dry sauna, liver-gallbladder flushes and coffee enemas

                                              SPEAKERS AT WISE TRADITIONS 2017

               Ronda Nelson gave a fascinating   Sylvia Burgos Toftness gave a class   Stephanie Seneff presented yet
                 seminar on thyroid health.       on making healing bone broth.     another spellbinding lecture on
                                                                                       cholesterol sulfate and the
                                                                                     harmful effects of glyphosate.

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