Page 41 - Winter2017
P. 41

With such variety in geography and climate  dedicated two entire chapters of Nutrition and   Clearly, Dr.
            comes an even greater diversity of culture. This  Physical Degeneration to Peru. (Most places he
            diversity of culture is really just the conglomera-  visited got only one chapter.) Clearly, Dr. Price   Price was
            tion of the distinct responses of many different  was captivated by Peru’s people, history and the  captivated
            Peruvian people to the same basic questions:  variety of diets he found there.     by Peru’s
            What does it mean to be human? How can I     Dr. Price was a remarkable person. Thanks
            survive and thrive in this part of the world,  to his vision and efforts, we find ourselves in   people,
            wherever I am? Or, in the case of Peru, how can  Peru reading the Wise Traditions journal, part  history and
            I survive and thrive in the driest desert or the  of an incredible family of people around the   the variety
            tallest mountains or the deepest jungle? That´s  world who resonate with Dr. Price’s message
            why Peru is home to many languages, many  that “Life in all its fullest is Mother Nature   of diets he
            traditional diets, many typical dances and many  obeyed”—and with his message that for humans  found there.

            types of music.                           to successfully move forward into the future, we
                There are so many different ways to answer  must first honor and remember those who came
            the fundamental questions of what it means to  before us and understand our roots and our past.
            be human, just within the Peruvian borders.   In fact, you and I are here today because we
            Our three-week journey to Peru on behalf of  all come from a lineage of successful people.
            the Weston A. Price Foundation took us through  Our ancestors got it right, and for that, we
            some of these layers of culture. We started in  should be very grateful. We do not have to go
            the hectic city of Lima, moved on to the white  far back in human history to find people who
            and black ranges of the Andes in Huaraz, and  knew how to live well. Dr. Price found many of
            finished our trip in the still-glorious former  them in the 1930s on his decade-long journey
            capital of the Incan empire, Cusco.       around the globe. The people he studied lived in
                                                      harmony with the earth to nourish themselves,
            DR. PRICE’S MESSAGE                       both body and spirit. They knew how to grow
                To help you better understand our journey  nutrient-dense food while contributing to soil
            to Peru and the goals we had in mind for our  health. They knew how to prepare food so the
            trip, we must start at the beginning of the story,  body could assimilate it well and, in turn, build
            with Dr. Price himself. Dr. Price traveled to  strong, healthy and robust people who did not
            Peru long before we did, back in the 1930s, and  suffer from tooth decay and who had an easier

                 We shared Dr. Price’s message with all age groups in   Quechua is the second most spoken language in Peru,
                Peru, including schoolchildren in the remote province   with over three million speakers. We enlisted the help
                     of Aija, situated in the Andean Mountains.  of our friend Silvia, who translated into Quechua for us.
                                                                   Pictured here are Elías, our biologist friend, Silvia
                                                                     (with her baby on her back), Katie and Hilda.

            WINTER 2017                              Wise Traditions                                                   41
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