Page 44 - Winter2017
P. 44

What has       in life. We also want to thank WAPF members  as well as those who came before in one of the
                   always     for their membership and continued support of  most beautiful countries on earth.
                              the Foundation. Thanks to member support, our
                                                                           I like to say that “my life is my prayer,” and I
              impressed       dream of a trip to Peru became a reality. Many  like to think that Dr. Price felt the same way. His
                  me the      more projects will be born from this initial ef-  book is a beautiful, scientific and adventurous
             most about       fort to expand the Foundation´s presence across  love poem to humanity in all of her glory and
                                                                        potential. We can be agents of destruction, but
                              Latin America.
              Dr. Price’s                                               we can also be agents of unimaginable positive
             book is the      AUTHENTIC RESPECT                         change. I choose the latter. May we never forget
                                 Every time I pick up Nutrition and Physi-
                                                                        that to create a healthy future, we must honor
             profoundly       cal Degeneration, I discover another gem of  our roots, our past and the soil beneath our feet.
               authentic      wisdom that leaves me in awe of the potential  I am thankful to Dr. Price and to the country of
            respect that      of the human being. I have such reverence for  Peru for teaching me and so many others this

              he had for      life and for all the different ways that people  lesson of respect.
                              have found to show what it means to be alive
             indigenous       and to eat and live well. I believe that Dr. Price  Katie Williamson is the founder of the New
           people, their      shared this reverence for life. In fact, what has  Orleans WAPF chapter, a lover of Perú and an
         lives and their      always impressed me the most about his book is  enthusiastic sharer of Dr. Price´s book, Nutri-
                              the profound respect that he had for indigenous  tion and Physical Degeneration. She has been
                wisdom.       people, their lives and their wisdom. As an  dividing her time between the U.S. and Perú for
                              educated white man traveling in the 1930s to  the last six and a half years. Katie manages a
                              remote corners of the earth, Dr. Price treated the  Spanish-language blog, Yo Soy Pachamamista,
                              people he encountered as wise people he wished  dedicated to sharing traditional wisdom for both
                              to learn from. Thanks to Dr. Price´s courage and  human and planetary health.
                              efforts, in 2017 we were able to follow in his
                              footsteps and in his spirt of love, respect and
                              care for the Peruvian people—those living now

                                                   MORE WONDERFUL
                                                   VENDORS AT WISE
                                                    TRADITIONS 2017

                                                LEFT: Buchi Kombucha
                                                donated delicious
                                                kombucha for every meal!

                                                        RIGHT: Dr. Linda’s
                                                      crispy nuts, popcorn
                                                    and seaweed products
                                                        were very popular!

                                                LEFT: Many attendees
                                                enjoyed the healing infra-
                                                red lights at Sauna Space.

                                                          RIGHT: A happy
                                                       attendee enjoys the
                                                        warmth at WBWC
                                                   Personal Infrared Sauna.

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