Page 32 - Winter2017
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the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-gonadal axis that is the big player suming process of searching for the underlying
in producing sex hormones. For simplicity’s sake, we will focus on the cause of each patient’s unique symptoms and
production of the primary sex hormones—estrogens, progestins and prescribing a personalized treatment protocol.” 5
androgens—and later, adrenal hormones and their influence over the To delve deeper, let's look at underlying causes
transition known as menopause. Estrogens (estradiol, estrone and estriol) that contribute to hormonal dysfunction and
are produced in significant quantities by the ovaries, and a very small how we can best create an internal milieu to
amount is secreted by the adrenal cortices. Estradiol is primarily produced support the body’s natural desire for balance.
in the ovaries; much of estrone is secreted in the peripheral tissues from
androgens secreted by the adrenal cortices; and estriol is derived from ADRENAL HORMONES
both estradiol and estrone, with its conversion occurring mostly in the TO THE RESCUE. . . OR NOT
liver. The primary function of the adrenal glands
The most important of the progestins is progesterone. Progesterone is to secrete into the bloodstream adrenaline, fol-
should be secreted by the corpus luteum in significant amounts in cycling lowed by cortisol, for the purpose of supplying
women during the luteal (second half) of the twenty-eight-day ovarian additional energy in times of stress. Constant
cycle. Testosterone is also a player in creating balance of female hormones stress means constant stimulation of the adre-
throughout a woman’s life. All three, estrogen, progesterone and testos- nal glands. Due to the fact that adrenaline is
terone, are steroids, made largely from cholesterol derived from the blood capable of dissolving bone, overactive adrenal
but to a certain extent also from acetyl coenzyme A. Dietary cholesterol glands can be devastating to the skeletal system.
plays a key role in providing precursors for the proper production of sex The adrenals slow down their bone-dissolving
hormones for both women and men. hormones around age sixty-five, which is why
bone loss decreases at this time.
THE LIVER PLAYS A ROLE Additionally, the adrenal glands are in-
It’s important to understand the liver’s role in relationship to sex volved in the control of fluid balance throughout
hormones. Once hormones have done their job, so to speak, they are the body via the production of aldosterone and
transported to the liver to be conjugated to form glucuronides and sulfates. mineralocorticoids. The adrenal synthesis of
The liver is responsible for converting the resulting potent estrogens (es- cortisol and glucocorticoids assists in stabilizing
tradiol and estrone) into the less potent form, estriol. Of these substances, blood sugar balance. Control of inflammatory
about 20 percent are excreted in the bile and then eliminated through the and anti-inflammatory responses to injury also
colon. The remaining products are excreted via urine. is dependent upon healthy, functioning adrenal
If the liver’s detox pathways, glucuronidation and sulfation, are im- glands.
paired due to toxic overload from environmental factors (toxic chemicals The ease of one's transition into menopause
in the air, food, etc.) the result will be weakened function which will is largely dependent upon the strength of one's
actually lead to increased harmful activity of the estrogens in the body. adrenals and the state of one's mineral stores and
Estrogen is an anabolic hormone. This means that its primary function general nutrition. One of the functions of the
is to encourage cellular proliferation and tissue growth. When estrogen adrenal glands is to gradually take over the pro-
is not properly balanced with progesterone and when the liver’s detoxi- duction of the various hormones that the ovaries
fication functions are impaired, excess uncleared estrogen can lead to have been producing (estrogen, progesterone
cancer and other destructive metabolic processes. This creates a state of and testosterone). Along with ovaries, testes and
estrogen dominance. peripheral tissues, adrenal glands produce small
Symptoms of insufficient clearance of estrogens or estrogen domi- amounts of sex hormones (DHEA, progesterone,
nance include acne, endometriosis, cervical dysplasia, gallbladder disease, estrogen and testosterone). These hormones
loss of concentration, migraine headaches, premenstrual syndrome, are vital to overall health, strength, energy and
bloating, weight gain, water retention, irritability, uterine fibroids and stamina. Steroid hormones are essential to main-
breast and ovarian cysts, to name a few. If a history of these conditions taining a healthy mood and emotional status. In
exists, one should pay special attention to supporting the liver and, in essence, the adrenals provide a back-up system
particular, these two pathways. We will discuss dietary and therapeutic for sex hormone production.
supports further in this article. We cannot talk about hormonal imbalance
Louisa Williams states that “The hormone replacement therapy de- symptoms without discussing inflammation.
bacle is just one example of allopathic medicine’s malfeasance through Inflammation is often expressed as pain. Pain is
emphasizing quick fixes in the form of a pill over the more time-con- our body’s way of getting our attention. Inflam-
32 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017