Page 28 - Winter2017
P. 28
Because of and triggers the thyroid to produce more TSH. that their body lotion, face cream or aftershave
the close This begins a cycle of dysfunction within the lotion contains hormones that interfere with the
endocrine triangle, causing a wide array of delicate rhythm of the endocrine system.
relationship symptoms coming from any or all of the glands.
between Because of the close relationship between SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM
the adrenal the adrenal glands and the ovaries or testes It may sound complicated and perhaps even
(both produce steroid hormones, which are made overwhelming at first, but ultimately, there are
glands and from cholesterol), a dysfunction in one will lead five key principles to consider when trying to
the ovaries to a dysfunction in the other. Soon, hormone support the thyroid. These involve supporting
or testes, a imbalances begin to occur, which can further healthy digestion, liver function, adrenal func-
impact thyroid hormone conversion and utiliza-
tion, diet and the gut.
dysfunction tion downstream. Common symptoms include
in one will premenstrual syndrome (PMS), irritability or 1. Support digestion and breakdown of food
lead to a heavy bleeding in women, along with a general in the stomach. This will pave the way for
loss of tolerance for noise, stress or disorder in
efficient and thorough absorption later on
dysfunction both sexes. Men can also experience decreased along the digestive tract. Support should
in the other. libido, erectile dysfunction or generalized apathy. include digestive bitters, foods and herbs to
support healthy bile flow and production,
THE SMOKING GUN and sufficient pancreatic enzymes to ensure
One of the most common causes of disor- optimal breakdown of food before it enters
dered thyroid hormones is the use of or exposure the middle to lower small intestine.
to bioidentical hormones or other hormone-like
substances. These can be found in prescription 2. Support healthy liver function. This is an
or over-the-counter hormones, birth control pills important part of healing the thyroid, given
and IUDs or even in testosterone used by men. that 60 percent of T4-to-T3 conversion occurs
When used for longer than two to three months, in the liver. Herbs that help support a healthy
these hormones can impair the movement or liver include silymarin (the therapeutic
transportation and usage of thyroid hormones component of milk thistle) and schisandra,
in the body. Furthermore, these hormones are along with cruciferous vegetables, onions
easily transferred from one person to another, and garlic.
be it parent-to-child or husband-to-wife. This
is commonly known as “passive transfer” and 3. Support healthy adrenal function and manage
occurs most readily when hormones or hormone- lifestyle stress. This is a foundational step that
containing products are applied directly to the should be considered for almost everyone,
skin. After two to three months of usage, these regardless of whether thyroid dysfunction
hormones will begin to “spill out” via sweat is present. Prolonged elevations of cortisol
glands on the skin, activating passive transfer- have a profoundly negative effect on T4-to-
ence to whomever gets touched. T3 conversion that will continue until the
Aside from prescription hormones, bioiden- stressors have improved and/or the adrenal
tical hormones or other hormone-like substances glands become more capable of managing
are often found hiding in skin and body care the stress. Herbs to consider include ashwa-
products. Many manufacturers are keen to the gandha, rehmannia, eleuthro, rhodiola and
fact that estrogen causes the skin to look and Korean ginseng.
feel softer and more youthful. In order to keep
customers coming back, they will add small 4. Maintain a diet free from processed foods and
amounts of estrogen or estrogen-like compounds chemicals. These will not only cause nutrient
to their products to obtain the desired effect. This depletions but can contribute to alterations
type of product can be treacherous to someone in metabolism, weight gain, fatigue and
dealing with a thyroid problem, because they increased risk of gastrointestinal disorders.
are likely to be completely unaware of the fact Be sure to include foods rich in fiber to help
28 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017