Page 31 - Winter2017
P. 31
There is no doubt that for some premeno- human hormones. Contrary to popular belief, a Contrary
pausal and menopausal women, bioidentical hormone formula packaged at a compounding to popular
hormone therapy offers much needed relief and pharmacy is in reality no different than those
is better than the complications that often arise formulas obtained from a mainstream phar- belief, a
without them. The purpose of this article is to macy. Compounding pharmacies are working hormone
assist readers in making informed decisions with the same synthetic raw material as the com- formula
regarding the use of bioidentical hormones and mercial pharmaceutical companies in creating
to support those who desire to safely wean off creams, pills, sprays and patches. packaged
bioidenticals while supporting their hypothal- at a
amus-pituitary-adrenal-gonadal axis (HPAG ANATOMY OF HUMAN HORMONES compounding
axis). It is always advisable that women wean For many years, the scientific medical
gradually off bioidentical or synthetic hormones community believed that hormone replacement pharmacy
under the supervision of a licensed physician therapy (HRT) at any age would reduce the risk is in reality
or naturopathic doctor. In my experience, the of heart attack and stroke. This hope was dashed no different
weaning process can be smooth once the Wise by the Women's Health Initiative study, which
Traditions diet is implemented daily, meal and found that taking estrogen plus progestin for than those
sleep routines are consistent and certain nutri- more than five years places postmenopausal formulas
tional and homeopathic supports are in place. women at greater risk for heart attacks, strokes obtained
As we consider hormones, keep in mind and several other serious problems. The study’s
that each hormone, just like each cell, needs to conclusion reads, “Overall health risks exceeded from a
act in synchrony with every other hormone. No benefits from use of combined estrogen plus mainstream
hormone works in isolation nor are individual progestin for an average 5.2-year follow-up pharmacy.
hormones immune to the influence of other among healthy postmenopausal U.S. women.
hormones. All-cause mortality was not affected during
the trial. The risk-benefit profile found in this
ANATOMY OF trial is not consistent with the requirements for
BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES a viable intervention for primary prevention of
Bioidentical hormones are hormones de- chronic diseases, and the results indicate that
rived from plants, such as soy or wild yams, and this regimen should not be initiated or continued
are designed to be structurally identical to the for primary prevention of CHD [coronary heart
hormones produced naturally inside the human disease].” 3
body. The claim is that “they are the closest All human sex hormones are derived from
and most natural form of exogenous hormones cholesterol. The body manufactures roughly 80
possible and yet they are identical to our own percent of the cholesterol needed to maintain a
endogenous hormones.” healthy endocrine system. The remaining 20
According to Dr. Laura Streicher, MD, percent comes from exogenous dietary sources,
“The only thing that is natural is to drink the primarily animal fat in the form of egg yolks,
horse urine or eat the soy plant (both are used butter fat, lard and bacon, tallow and beef fat,
in the manufacturing of hormones). All plant- duck and goose fat, schmaltz and poultry skin,
derived hormone preparations, whether they fish skin, fish eggs and wild seafood. Choles-
come from a compounding pharmacy or a large terol is the precursor to pregnenolone. From
commercial pharmacy, require a chemical pro- pregnenolone, our sex and adrenal organs
cess to synthesize the final product, which can produce estrogens, progestins (progesterone)
then be put into a cream, a spray, a patch or a and testosterone (as well as DHEA, DHT and
pill. Promoters of compounded plant-derived androstenedione).
hormones use the terms 'natural' and 'bioiden- Hormones are made in the pineal gland,
tical' because it is appealing to consumers and hypothalamus, pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid,
implies that it is not synthetic.” 2 adrenals, thymus, pancreas, ovaries, testes and
Plant-derived estrogen from soybeans is adipose tissue. Each of these glands play a role
molecularly very similar but not identical to in the symphony of hormone production. It is
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 31