Page 27 - Winter2017
P. 27

THYROID INNER WORKINGS                    important nutrients are missing, iodine cannot be   In most
               The  thyroid  gland  contains thousands of  adequately utilized, and the result is a decrease
            spherical structures known as follicles. Each  in T4 and/or T3.                    cases, the
            of these follicles contains a reservoir of thyroid   In addition to raw nutrient deficiencies, there  thyroid is
            hormones, much like a swimming pool contains  are other factors that can interfere with thyroid   merely an
            water. This readily available supply ensures that  hormone production and usage. These can in-
            there is always sufficient hormone availability  clude excessive intake of cruciferous vegetables   innocent
            when TSH sends the signal, via the pituitary,  (such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli,  bystander,
            that more hormones are needed.            cauliflower and kale); consumption of soy foods;   part of a
               The predominant thyroid hormone is T4.  chemical pollutants including polychlorinated
            It is made up of four molecules of iodine and  bisphenols (PCBs), persistent organic pollutants   larger system
            comprises 95 percent of the hormone produced  (POPs), phthalates, flame retardants and diox- that has

            by the thyroid. It is largely inactive and requires  ins; and halogen exposure (bromine, chlorine   become
            additional steps to be converted into the active  and fluorine). Each of these has been shown to
            hormone, T3. Because the thyroid requires so  negatively impact the thyroid hormones’ abilities   dysfunctional.
            much iodine, it will hoard as much as possible,  to reach their intended destination and do their
            ensuring there is an adequate supply for con-  job at the cellular level. These types of chemical
            tinued production.                        interferences can cause symptoms pointing to
               T3 is the star player of the thyroid hormone  obvious thyroid dysfunction, yet blood tests can
            family. Although very little—less than 5 per-  appear perfectly normal.
            cent—is actually produced in the thyroid, T3 is
            responsible for most of the benefits associated  CONVERTING T4 TO T3
            with optimal thyroid health. Instead of four   The process of converting T4 to T3 is quite
            iodine molecules (as seen in T4), there are only  complex and occurs in sites outside the thyroid
            three. The extra iodine molecule is cleaved off  gland. For this conversion to take place, it is
            during the conversion process from T4 to T3 in  especially important that the key nutrients men-
            either the liver, gut or peripheral tissues. Without  tioned earlier be present. The two primary sites
            this crucial step, adequate T3 will not be avail-  where conversion takes place are the liver (60
            able to the cells to help stimulate the functions  percent) and the gut (20 percent). The remain-
            of growth, reproduction and metabolism.   ing T4-to-T3 conversion occurs in various sites
                                                      in the body referred to as “peripheral tissues.”
            TRIP WIRES                                This symphony of conversions provides readily
               As with any other system in the body, there  available thyroid hormones throughout the body.
            are particular triggers or events that can cause   Conversion can be hampered by impaired
            dysfunction to occur; not surprisingly, the  nutritional status, liver dysfunction, insufficient
            thyroid is no exception. The gears and inner  digestion or a disordered gut. Still, there is one
            workings of the thyroid gland are sensitive to  dysfunction that trumps them all: stress and the
            a number of external influences, all of which  prolonged production of cortisol.
            have the potential to prevent it from properly
            functioning. Lack of adequate nutrients is one  THE ROLE OF THE ADRENAL GLANDS
            such trigger.                                The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine
               Iodine, for example, is such an important  triangle and strongly influence the function of
            part of our health that adequate dietary intake  the thyroid. When life stress is either prolonged
            is crucial for optimal health. In order for io-  or excessive, the adrenals release the hormone
            dine to be used to create thyroid hormones and  cortisol to try to keep stress under control.
            have a positive impact on other body tissues,   Excessive  amounts of cortisol  can block
            certain nutrients need to be readily available  thyroid hormone production, resulting in de-
            to facilitate its action. These include vitamins  creased levels of T3 (triiodothyronine) in the
            A, B, C and D; fatty acids; iron; magnesium;  bloodstream. When this occurs, the pituitary
            and, most importantly, selenium. When these  gets the signal that there isn’t enough hormone

            WINTER 2017                              Wise Traditions                                                   27
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