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TT4 – Total thyroxine, both free and bound  23.  Farese, et al. Licorice-Induced Hypermineralocorticoidism (1991) N Engl J Med 1991;
                FTI – Free thyroxine index            325:1223-1227.
                FT4 – Free thyroxine               24.  The liver generates most of the cholesterol needed by the body, delivering it via LDL
                Resin T3 uptake                       carrier molecules in the blood throughout the body. RBCs (red blood cells) lose their
                Free T3 – free triiodothyronine       mitochondria when they mature. That loss gives them their indented center or squashed
                r T3 – Reverse T3                     shape, and removes their capacity to generate cholesterol.
             When stress is high, the “wrong” iodine is removed,   25.  The word sugar commonly refers to white table sugar, sucrose, which is a combination
             leaving a non-functional rT3, in effect another of the   of fructose and glucose. There are many forms of sugar, each a combination of carbon
             body’s protective measures.              (O), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) atoms. They differ by position of at least one O or
                TBG – Thyroid binding globulin        OH. Position of component atoms determines the structure of a molecule and its func-
             Thyroid Antibodies:                      tion. Specific sugars attached to proteins, fats or cholesterol facilitate functions and
                TPO-Ab – Thyroid peroxidase antibodies  biochemical processes unique to that combination.
                TGB-Ab – Thyroglobulin antibodies  26.  Price, W. A. (2016) Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, 8th Edition, 23rd Printing.
             Thyroglobulin is the predominant protein in the thyroid   Lemon Grove, CA: Price Pottenger, p 69.
             gland, and in effect stores both thyroxine and iodine.   27.  Vitamin C was discovered in 1912; Albert Szent-Györgi and Walter Norman Haworth
         19.  For further information, see accessible and comprehen-  received the Nobel Prize for it in 1937. Although Szent- Györgi recognized that it com-
             sive resources on thyroid issues by Datis Kharrazian   prised a complex of molecules, political forces insisted it be compressed to ascorbic
             DHSc, DC; Izabella Wentz PharmD; and Nikolas Hed-  acid. Common convention thus equates vitamin C with ascorbic acid, while those more
             berg DC.                                 attentive to subtle differences recognize vitamin C as a complex of synergistic substances.
         20.  Adrenalin is synonymous with epinephrine. Adrenalin   28.  Spermatozoa are the generative cells produced by men, a single such cell being a sper-
             is from the Latin; epinephrine is from the Greek. Epi =   matozoon. Sperm is the collective term for the spermatozoa, fluid and other substances
             above, on top of (apex); nephr = kidney, as in nephron,   conveyed in semen.
             the functional unit of the kidneys.   29.  The three key sex hormones are: estrogen – which promotes growth, or “assembly of the
         21.  The zona glomerulosa lacks the enzyme 17-α hydroxy-  basic building materials”; progesterone – calling for differentiation and function-specific
             lase, which is necessary to synthesize cortisol, andro-  application of the assembled building materials; testosterone – supporting muscle func-
             gens, or estrogens. Only the conversion of corticosterone   tion, strength and maintenance. These have to do not only with reproduction of the next
             to aldosterone can occur in the zona glomerulosa. Farese,   generation, but with maintaining the present physical body as well. There are 3 (or more)
             et al. Licorice-Induced Hypermineralocorticoidism   forms of estrogen and several forms of testosterone. Progestin, used in pharmaceutical
             (1991) N Engl J Med 1991; 325:1223-1227.  products such as contraceptives, is a patentable laboratory substance, alleged to be akin
         22.  Blood volume, peripheral resistance, and cardiac output   to progesterone. While commonly conflated with, and used interchangeably as a term
             are the key factors affecting blood pressure. Smooth   referring to progesterone, progestin is not progesterone.
             muscles line the blood vessels; their contraction in-  30.
             creases peripheral resistance. Marieb, pp 650-660.  schumann-resonances-on-human-health-and-behavior/

                                       POPULAR SPEAKERS AT WISE TRADITIONS 2017

            Karen Lyke, MS, CCN, DSc, CGP,       Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin        Amy Berger, author of The
            gave us excellent background on    presented fascinating information   Alzheimer’s Antidote, spoke to a
            the HPA axis as a prelude to the   on natural chicken production in   full house on how a high-fat diet
             other talks on hormone health.    their home environment—jungle,       can ward off the disease.
                                                     forest and orchard.

         24                                         Wise Traditions                              WINTER 2017
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