Page 21 - Winter2017
P. 21
specific roles. Cortisol summons stored glucose encountered, did not “know too much to ask Even before
from glycogen stored in the liver and muscles; the Indian.”
at the same time it prevents muscle and adipose Nutrients that support adrenal function birth, cortisol
tissue from taking up glucose, sparing it for use thus include cholesterol-rich foods such as is necessary.
by the brain and heart. eggs, especially their yolks, from both fish and It provides
Even before birth, cortisol is necessary. It fowl; liver and adrenal glands; and full-fat dairy
provides for the maturation of the surfactant such as cream, butter and cheese. In addition, for the
of lungs in fetal development; without it, the foods rich in vitamin C complex are impor- maturation
newborn infant ends up in respiratory distress. tant and are found in deeply colored fruits and of the
Glucocorticoids, represented here by cortisol, vegetables, particularly the dark colored fruits
have potent anti-inflammatory and immuno- of summer. Their antioxidant qualities protect surfactant of
suppressive properties, and thus are widely used from the intense oxidizing properties of the sun. lungs in fetal
for (temporary) relief of arthritis, dermatitis development;
(eczema and rashes) and autoimmune diseases. GONADOTROPHINS
Mental, emotional and physical stress are Gonadotrophic-releasing hormone (GnRH) without
all registered by the hypothalamus, which then from the hypothalamus stimulates the ante- it, the
informs the anterior pituitary to awaken the ad- rior pituitary to generate follicle-stimulating newborn
renal glands to rouse the particular tissues to ac- hormone (FSH), followed by luteinizing hor-
tion. Stress leads to breakdown of bodily tissues mone (LH). These travel to the gonads—the infant ends
for use as fuel, specifically tissues that are high reproductive organs in both men and women. up in
in collagen, since its main component amino FSH stimulates the production of estrogen and respiratory
acid, glycine, is readily converted to glucose. follicular development in the ovaries of women.
The effect is consumption of resources which LH then activates the release of the ovum as distress.
ideally should be available for self-restoration. well as stimulating the production of proges-
Instead those resources are directed to deal with terone—optimistic that the ovum (single egg)
external stimuli, resulting in joint deterioration will be fertilized and need the differentiating
and loss of collagen bone matrix, precursors to and protective qualities of progesterone. The
osteoporosis. actions of FSH and LH are coordinated with the
The most obvious effects of chronically ebb and flow of estrogen(s) and progesterone in
elevated cortisol are disrupted carbohydrate women’s menstrual cycles.
metabolism—blood sugar imbalance—and im- In men, FSH stimulates the development of
paired immune function. Both engender chronic spermatozoa, and LH stimulates the secretion
inflammation, the perfect setup for metabolic of testosterone. Testosterone works in concert
syndrome. Metabolic syndrome generally mani- with FSH to complete spermatogenesis, the
fests as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, the maturation of sperm. Testosterone also provides
two biggest health problems in modern western for the development of male secondary sex
society. characteristics such as deepening of the voice,
Indicators of adrenal dysfunction, affected facial hair and increased muscle mass.
by cortisol imbalance, with commentary, are In addition to production in the ovaries
shown on page 20. Please note that many health and testes, respectively, the sex hormones are
issues that are attributed to adrenal dysfunc- produced in the third, innermost layer of the
tion are really whole body imbalances. The adrenal cortex, the zona reticularis. Succinctly,
hormones of the endocrine system are merely DHEA is a cholesterol-based hormone from
the messengers. which androgens and estrogens are produced.
In addition to containing the richest store of DHEA also has a permissive effect. That is,
cholesterol in the body, the adrenal glands hold its presence facilitates the production of neu-
the highest concentration of vitamin C complex. rotransmitters, which affect memory and mood.
The indigenous folk of northern Canada knew Neurotransmitter imbalances are more likely to
this and shared the information with Dr. Price occur when DHEA levels are less than optimal.
because he, unlike other white men they had Also, when DHEA is low, which happens after
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 21