Page 19 - Winter2017
P. 19

Additional resources toward understanding the thyroid are listed in  the adrenal’s outer layer, the zona glomerulosa,
            the endnotes.                                                 along with the renin angiotensin system in the
                                                                          kidneys, are constantly active to regulate elec-
            CORTICOTROPINS                                                trolyte balance.
                CRH from the hypothalamus stimulates the anterior pituitary to     Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra, Glycyrrhiza
            make and release ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone, also called  uralensis) is often recommended for people with
            corticotropin), which goes to the adrenal glands and elicits a response  apparent adrenal issues. While licorice root can
            according to need and receptor sensitivity.                   lengthen the time it takes the body to break
                The adrenal glands are small caps atop the kidneys, the name deriv-  down cortisol, it can also increase aldosterone
            ing from Latin, meaning “of the kidneys.”  The adrenal glands have two  levels so much as to severely disrupt the balance
            distinct areas to them. The interior area is closely related to the nervous  of sodium and potassium if ingested in excess.
            system and is called                                                                    Historically, ad-
            the adrenal medulla.                                                                equate access to salt,
            The outer part of the                                                               along with  water,
            adrenal glands is the                                                               has been a driving
            cortex or “crust.”                                                                  force in civilization’s
            Corticotropins af-                                                                  set tlements and
            fect the cortex of the                                                              battles. Excess salt
            adrenal glands.                                                                     intake is easily
                The adrenal cor-                                                                avoided by not con-
            tex has three layers.                                                               suming processed
            The outermost is the                                                                packaged “foods of
            zona  glomerulosa.                                                                  commerce.” An over-
            This is related to the                                                              all vitality-promoting
            glomeruli of the kid-                                                               balance  of  sodium,
            neys, from the Latin,                                                               potassium and other
            “little balls of yarn,” referring to the extensive lengths of fine tubing that  minerals is best obtained through nutrient-dense
            filter fluid, minerals and other solutes from the blood to generate urine.  foods grown in mineral-rich and microbe-rich
            The zona glomerulosa has to do with regulating electrolyte and fluid bal-  healthy soil, adding salt to taste as a conscious
            ance. While controlled by ACTH (from the anterior pituitary), it lacks the  act.
            enzymes  necessary to provide the same response that ACTH summons     Symptoms of low aldosterone include:
            from the other layers of the adrenal cortex. Here, in the zona glomerulosa,
            and only here, the mineralocorticoid aldosterone, is produced.   •   Craving salt
                Aldosterone prompts the kidneys to retain sodium and excrete po-  •   Fluid retention in the arms and legs
            tassium. It works in conjunction with the renin angiotensin system and  •   Pupils not staying constricted when ex-
            other factors, but the key point is that aldosterone prompts the kidneys   posed to light
            to reabsorb sodium. Since water follows salt, aldosterone instructs the  •   Rough or sandpaper tongue
            kidneys to keep the salt and hence the water, too. This maintains blood  •   Excessive urination up to fifteen or twenty
            volume. Blood pressure depends on both the volume of the blood and the   times per day
            tension of the smooth muscles in the blood vessel walls. A rise in either  •   Excessive sweating even without activity.
            will increase blood pressure.
                Secretion of aldosterone is activated in response to ACTH from the     People who crave chips and pretzels, who
            anterior pituitary (responding to CRH from the hypothalamus). Elevated  douse everything with salt, are prime suspects
            or relatively high plasma (blood) potassium (hyperkalemia) and low blood  for adrenal problems and HPA or endocrine
            volume are two factors that activate the release of CRH. Maintaining  disruption in general.
            a proper balance of sodium and potassium is crucial to cell membrane     The next two layers of the adrenal cortex,
            response, hence cell function, thus indispensable for life. A lack of sodium  the zona fasciculata and zona reticularis, are
            (salt) or aldosterone can be fatal, as can an excess of potassium. The body  regulated by ACTH from the anterior pituitary.
            goes through major and multiple efforts to maintain proper sodium and  The zona fasciculata secretes glucocorticoids—
            fluid balance. Both ADH from the hypothalamus and aldosterone from  essentially cortisol—and the innermost zona

            WINTER 2017                              Wise Traditions                                                   19
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