Page 14 - Winter2017
P. 14

The tissues          The process of maintaining constancy  lungs, intestines, kidneys, liver, pancreas (and

             affected by      amidst change is called homeostasis. Ho-  their less publicized ancillary agents such as the
                              meostasis is coordinated most obviously via  gallbladder, spleen, blood vessels, etc.)—and the
         the endocrine        the neurotransmitters of the nervous system  skeletal muscles.
         axis comprise        and the hormones of the endocrine axis. The     The secretions or hormones from these
             all those of     endocrine axis has correspondences with the  glands thus have an effect on the entire body
                              chakras of Eastern spiritual disciplines  but  and its balance amidst constant input and re-
               the body,      modern Western medicine has simplified this  sponse—thus maintaining homeostasis. It is
              in a semi-      to the HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal)  an intricate and delicate system of feedback
            hierarchical      Axis. The HPA axis continually assesses what’s  loops and checks and balances, affecting all the
                              happening in the body, gives feedback, and calls  cells and tissues of the body, whose operation
                  system.     for appropriate action, using hormones as its  and processes it maintains both day to day and

                              messenger molecules.                     across the years.
                                  Hormones are the messenger molecules that     The entirety of the endocrine system com-
                              coordinate and direct immediate adjustments,  prises the pineal gland, the hypothalamus, the
                              diurnal rhythms and the longer transitions  pituitary, the thyroid and parathyroid glands,
                              across the stages of life: infancy, childhood,  the thymus, the pancreas, the adrenal glands
                              adolescence, maturity, senescence and death.  and the gonads—ovaries in women, testes in
                              They work in coordination with neurotransmit-  men. In this essay, the focus will be on the
                              ters.                                    hypothalamus and the pituitary, and their key
                                  The key difference between hormones and  agents, the thyroid and adrenal glands, and to a
                              neurotransmitters is that hormones are gener-  lesser extent, the gonads or reproductive organs.
                              ated by specific glands.  The hormones are
                              conveyed through the bloodstream on protein  HOMEOSTASIS
                              carrier molecules to their target organs, where     Occupational therapist Maude LeRoux
                              they are received by specific cellular receptors.  describes beautifully in her book Our Greatest
                                  Neurotransmitters travel essentially as  Allies  the fundamental capacities exhibited by
                              electrical impulses directly from neurons (nerve  a being newly arrived in this world:
                              cells) to other neurons or to muscle cells, usu-
                              ally a shorter distance, moving instantaneously,  •   Vestibular balance—a sense of uprightness
                              much more rapidly than hormones, and without   or verticality
                              particular (or obvious) rhythms.         •   A way to modulate the amount of sensory
                                                                           input allowed in
                              THE HPA HIERARCHY                        •   A way to process what stimuli are allowed
                                  The HPA endocrine axis is based on the   beyond one’s outer boundaries.
                              components that currently get the most at-
                              tention in Western medicine, and addresses     These are facets of homeostasis, and remind
                              interactions among the hypothalamus, pituitary  us that when someone doesn’t respond as we
                              and adrenal glands. The tissues affected by the  might expect, that person’s homeostatic mecha-
                              endocrine axis comprise all those of the body,  nisms, especially the HPA axis, are probably
                              in a semi-hierarchical system. In this system,  fully occupied and don’t have room for anything
                              the “general” (the hypothalamus) perceives,  more. In other words, it’s not malice; it’s simply
                              oversees and assesses everything going on in  a self-preserving physiological response. Often
                              the body, then informs its “officer lieutenants”  a homeostatic effort by the body is considered
                              in the pituitary gland. The “officers” in the pi-  a disease or illness, which allopathic medicine
                              tuitary gland inform the “sergeants” (the target  commonly seeks to obstruct or eliminate. A
                              organs), who then enlist the “troops” (particular  more holistic perspective views imbalances
                              biochemical processes) in the relevant tissues  such as fever as the body’s efforts to “burn out”
                              or organs in the body. The enlisted or activated  some potentially toxic or extraneous substance.
                              tissues include the visceral organs—heart,  Similarly, digestive upsets—vomiting or diar-

         14                                         Wise Traditions                              WINTER 2017
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