Page 15 - Winter2017
P. 15

rhea—or skin eruptions like rashes and warts are recognized as efforts      Having assessed everything from both cir-
            to eliminate noxious substances.                              culatory and nervous systems, the hypothalamus
                In exploring the endocrine axis it can be daunting to keep track of so   responds accordingly. Based on the information
            many terms, many of which seem similar, along with their corresponding   flowing through it, the hypothalamus dispatches
            abbreviations, and then try to remember their particular functions and   individual hormones in two sets to the pituitary.
            the subtle differences and relationships among them! Most of the names   One set inlcudes oxytocin and antidiuretic
            are ancient language equivalents, mostly from Latin and Greek, simply   hormone (ADH). Both are synthesized in the
            meaning “that do-widget which is next to the thing-a-mabob.” The names   hypothalamus, derived from the same proto-
            are descriptions of function                                                       typical protein. The
            or  location.  Pronunciation,                                                      two hormones travel,
            as a wonderful biology prof                                                        separately, to the pos-
            instructed us decades ago, is                                                      terior pituitary gland
            usually based on emphasizing                                                       (also called the neuro-
            the least meaningful syllable                                                      hypophysis) for stor-
            of the word.                                                                       age, ready for release
                A disturbance in any of                                                        as  directed.  They
            the organs or tissues  in the                                                      both promote smooth
            HPA or greater endocrine sys-                                                      muscle contraction.
            tem affects all of the glands                                                      Oxytocin stimulates
            of the axis, eventually affect-                                                    uterine contractions,
            ing the entire body. In other                                                      especially important
            words, a thyroid problem is                                                        for  childbirth,  then
            not merely a thyroid problem,                                                      contracts the mam-
            nor is adrenal fatigue simply                                                      mary glands for milk
            an adrenal issue. An imbal-                                                        “let-down.” Oxytocin
            ance or malfunction assumed                                                        is known as the “love
            to be simply a disturbance in one area of the body really is a systemic   hormone” because it also promotes instincts
            problem, affecting the entire body. A fundamental tenet of therapeutic   for cuddling and nurturing, as well as sexual
            massage states: “it’s all connected.” While this understanding is funda-  arousal and orgasm.
            mental with acupuncturists, neuromuscular therapists and craniosacral      ADH also goes by the name AVP or argi-
            therapists, few allopathic medical practitioners take this assumption into   nine vasopressin. It prompts contraction of the
            consideration.                                                smooth muscles in arterioles and sweat glands,
                                                                          causing them to retain fluid. ADH also prompts
            THE HYPOTHALAMUS                                              the kidneys to retain water. The posterior pitu-
                The hypothalamus of the HPA is located centrally in the cranium at   itary releases ADH when blood pressure (BP)
            the floor of the cerebrum (brain), surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)   is low, and also in times of pain and exposure
            and in close and continuous contact with freshly oxygenated blood from   to drugs such as nicotine, morphine and bar-
            the aorta. It is at the crossroads of the central and peripheral nervous   biturates, perhaps providing “dilution as the
            systems (CNS and PNS, respectively), as well as circulatory flow, and   solution to pollution.” Excessive ADH release in
            thus monitors the most recent changes and conditions throughout the   the hypothalamus occurs with severe blood loss,
            body. Information on external sensory input such as taste, smell, touch,   trauma or other injury or abnormal cells such as
            sight and sound, as well as visceral responses arrive at the hypothala-  cancer. Excessive ADH release with consequent
            mus, apprising it of blood temperature and pH; solute content as osmotic   excessive water retention is manifest as weight
            pressure and barometric pressure; general and specific levels of amino   gain, bloating and hypo-osmolality of blood
            acids, mineral levels and balance; and blood sugar (glucose and other)   (that is watery blood or too much liquid and not
            levels, concentrations of insulin and other hormones. In addition, the   enough minerals, blood cells, carrier molecules
            hypothalamus registers gastric motility, heart rate and contractions of   with cargo, or other dissolved content).
            the urinary bladder, along with circadian changes and the transforma-     The other set of hormones from the hypo-
            tions of the life cycle. The hypothalamus is indeed the central monitor   thalamus comprises both releasing and inhibi-
            and control center for the body.                              tory hormones. These go from a capillary bed

            WINTER 2017                              Wise Traditions                                                   15
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