Page 12 - Winter2017
P. 12

Caustic Commentary

         effect in young men—painful swelling of the testicles, often  defects. Said the researchers: “Advice to pregnant women on
         leading to permanent sterility. This is what happens when  the consumption of liver based on the reported teratogenicity
         through vaccination, you don’t allow boys to get the mumps  of vitamin A supplements should be reconsidered” (Human
         when they are young (Washington Post, November 6, 2017).  & Experimental Toxicology (1994) 13, 33-43). In other words,
                                                             pregnant women should eat liver rather than take vitamin
         OUR TOXIC WORLD                                     A supplements.
         The number of chemicals applied to vegetables sold in su-
         permarkets has increased by up to seventeen-fold over the  MORE DEATHS WITH STATINS
         past forty years, according to data presented at a conference  Even conventional scientists have to admit that evidence
         organized by the Epidemiology and Public Health Section  that taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs is “sparse and
         of the Royal Society of Medicine in London, November 20  conflicting,” particularly for patients aged seventy-five and
         of this year. Even worse, regulators test only the single ac-  older. Even worse, new evidence indicates that taking statins
         tive ingredient in pesticide formulations, and not the many  may make you more at risk for dying. Researchers at the
         adjuvants added to enhance the effectiveness of the active in-  division of geriatric medicine and palliative care, New York
         gredients. No one is looking at the combined effects of these  University, performed a secondary analysis of data from the
         pesticide formulations, or the results of exposure to multiple  ALLHAT (Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment
         pesticides. Pesticides are linked to hormone disruption, low  to Prevent Heart Attack) trial. Earlier researchers claimed
         sperm quality, miscarriage and decreased fertility. Exposure  that the group taking statins had lower all-cause mortality,
         to very low doses of the Roundup herbicide—far below the  but that is not what the New York University researchers
         permitted levels—caused non-alcoholic fatty liver disease  found. They focused on twenty-eight hundred older par-
         (NAFLD) in rats. Today about 25 percent of the population  ticipants who had hypertension and “moderate hypercholes-
         in the U.S. and Europe suffers from NAFLD. Big Ag argues  terolemia” but no atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease at
         that it is impossible for farmers to manage without pesticides,  baseline. Half received the statin pravastatin and the other
         a view contested by the final speaker at the conference, Peter  half had no statin “therapy.” After six years there were one
         Melchett. Melchet has been an organic farmer for nineteen  hundred forty-one deaths in the pravastatin group versus
         years and was a conventional farmer before that. He reported  one hundred thirty in the control group. “This represents a
         that since converting to organic, he has only had to spray  nonsignificant trend toward increased mortality with statin
         a single field once—when he planted two related crops in  therapy. The results were similar, with pravastatin provid-
         the same field two years in a row. Farmers like Melchett  ing no significant benefit regarding coronary heart disease,
         use crop rotation, barrier methods against pests, cultivating  stroke, heart failure and cancer events” (Cardiology News,
         hedge rows and planting cover crops to minimize the need  May 24, 2017). Moral: when your doctor offers you a statin,
         for pesticides and herbicides (  just say No!

         VITAMIN A FROM LIVER                                         FOR SCIENTISTS AND LAY READERS
         In these pages, we like to keep our readers up to date on any      Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price
         research involving vitamin A. But I recently stumbled on a   Foundation is to provide important information about diet
         1994 paper that compared the results from taking a retinol   and health to both scientists and the lay public. For this rea-
                                                              son, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are necessarily
         supplement (either orally or as an injection) with eating liver.   technical. It is very important for us to describe the science
         Those given the supplement had higher plasma concentra-  that supports the legitimacy of our dietary principles. In
         tions of retinyl palmitate compared to those who ate liver,   articles aimed at scientists and practitioners, we provide a
         but they also had much higher levels of all-trans retinoic acid   summary of the main points and also put the most techni-
         in their blood. All-trans retinoic acid is considered to be the   cal information in sidebars. These articles are balanced by
         teratogenic form of vitamin A—the form that causes birth   others that provide practical advice to our lay readers.

         12                                         Wise Traditions                              WINTER 2017
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