Page 8 - Winter2017
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rich in organosulfur compounds, has is adequate. Accordingly, it is my hy- medical costs in Australia—versus the
been recognized for centuries for its pothesis that the amount of sun neces- problem of excessive sun exposure,
health benefits including reduction of sary for adequate vitamin D synthesis which results in about half of the Aus-
multiple factors associated with car- is probably sufficient for synthesis of tralian population experiencing skin
diovascular disease. Geographical data cholesterol sulfate. I have therefore cancer during their lifetime. Australian
show an inverse association between attempted to determine how much sun guidelines for recommended vitamin
sunlight availability and cardiovascular exposure is needed to produce 1000 D intake are 200 IU/day from birth to
disease that apparently is unrelated to IU of vitamin D, the amount which is fifty years of age, 400 IU/day for people
vitamin D. The recommendations to probably necessary for an old man of fifty to seventy years, and 600 IU/day
avoid use of sunscreen, eat only cer- eighty-three years. for those over seventy-one years. It was
tified organic foods and avoid statin The gap between beneficial UV estimated that UV exposure required to
drugs also make sense. I plan to try exposure to obtain desirable vitamin produce 1/6 to 1/3 the erythemal dose is
my best to follow all of these recom- D and harmful exposure leading to sufficient to meet Australian vitamin D
mendations. erythema (skin damage) is very narrow recommendations. The amount of UV
However, Dr. Seneff’s advice to when the sun is high on a summer day. exposure required by those with type
“get plenty of sun exposure to the skin” A minimal erythemal dose (MED) is 2 skin and 15 percent of skin exposed
is questionable in my opinion because defined as the amount of UVB radiation (face, hands and neck) for adequate
of potential skin cancer resulting from that produces perceptible pinkness in vitamin D synthesis was estimated at
excessive sun exposure. Over the past the skin, which is considered to be the 10:00, 12:00 and 3:00 in seven Aus-
two decades I have had many skin beginning of skin damage. One MED tralian cities located between 19 to 38
cancer surgeries due to earlier exces- is equivalent to an oral intake of some- degrees latitude. The UV exposure that
sive sun exposure, so I have avoided where in the range of 10,000 to 25,000 results in a MED was also estimated.
significant sun exposure. During that IU vitamin D. In Boston at the spring Because of the increased risk of skin
time I have relied on vitamin D supple- equinox (noon, March 19) exposure damage that occurs at 12:00, the authors
ments to meet vitamin D requirements. of one fourth MED in those with type of the Australian study recommended
Dr. Seneff’s article made it clear that 2 skin exposing face, neck hands and avoiding exposure between the hours
some sun exposure for synthesis of arms (25.5 percent of skin area) yields of 10:00 and 3:00 and advise “extreme
cholesterol sulfate is essential for good a dietary equivalent vitamin D dose care” when getting UV exposure
health, but the question of how much of about 1000 IU in about 10 minutes, near high noon. The data provided in
sun exposure is required for cholesterol whereas a MED (and possible skin the study can be used to estimate the
sulfate synthesis was not addressed. damage) occurs in about 40 minutes. amount of sun exposure required for
Dr. Seneff’s article mentioned the If legs are also exposed under the same vitamin D synthesis in areas of similar
fact that the low risk of heart attacks conditions, the time for production of latitude in the U.S.
as well as extended life expectancy 1000 IU is reduced to four minutes. The recommendation in the Aus-
in Iceland, Japan and Crete has been Obviously, sun exposure required to tralian study to avoid sun exposure
attributed to sulfur-rich soil and water synthesize vitamin D, and most likely between 10:00 and 3:00 reduces risk
derived from sulfur-containing volca- cholesterol sulfate as well, does not of skin damage only modestly during
nic basalt rock. Inasmuch as Iceland is require a lot of time ( warmer months. Further, exposure of
located far north (65 degrees latitude) pmc/articles/PMC3257661). only 15 percent of skin used in the study
where sun availability is low during A study in Australia addressed the Gifts and bequests to the
much of the year, it seems reasonable problem of insufficient levels of vitamin Weston A. Price Foundation
to conclude that cholesterol sulfate D which contribute to the develop- will help ensure
synthesis by the skin does not require a ment of osteoporosis—costing almost the gift of good health
lot of sun exposure when sulfur intake two billion dollars per year in direct to future generations.
8 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017