Page 6 - Winter2017
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ing decline in nourishing whole foods community. I took all the info to a young doctor
has been exacerbated by almost thirty What Bridging Lanka needs now who was only out of med school eight
years of civil war, which has disrupted is people with expertise who can assist months and he had never heard of it
agriculture and the passing down of with nutrition awareness and who can before.
nutritional wisdom. help create a model of nutrition educa- It pays to research every medica-
Since war ended in 2009, glypho- tion that can be replicated in other Sri tion that your doctor provides to you. It
sate, synthetic fertilizer and other Lankan communities. Just as a Maasai could be causing you more harm than
chemicals, previously restricted since elder reached out to WAPF for input a good.
they could be used for bomb-making, couple of years ago, so is Bridging Lan- Karen Dahle
have been aggressively promoted and ka, on behalf of the Sri Lankan people, Holyrood, Newfoundland, Canada
are now used extensively. Prior to the who are noticing a sharp increase in
war, Mannar district in the country's the incidence of chronic disease and GcMAF CONCERNS
northwest, was one of the “rice bowls” disability. Those with expertise, com- In the Fall 2017 issue of Wise
of Sri Lanka. Now that there is peace, passion and a sense of adventure—we Traditions, Lee Emerson reported on
agriculture is fast recovering. However, call upon you to lend a hand. For more a method to make GcMAF yogurt.
there is widespread dependence on information and contact details see Reviewing the literature on this subject,
herbicides and pesticides. Sadly though, or email: director@ one quickly discovers that the majority
there is a dramatic increase in the of the research with GcMAF is with a
incidence of cancer, diabetes, kidney Nigel Sloss lab-produced purified form of GcMAF
and heart disease—this, in a country Brisbane, Australia or a human serum-derived version, both
whose cuisine features such healthy in- of which are administered intramuscu-
gredients as coconuts, turmeric, ginger, FLUORIDE EXPERIENCE larly.
cinnamon, cloves and gotu cola. I’d like to share first-hand my There is a third compound called
A few large non-government my experience with fluoride. When I bovine or colostrum MAF whereby
organisations (NGOs) operated in would get out of bed in the mornings bovine colostrum is enzymatically pro-
Sri Lanka and helped to relieve the I could hardly walk the six feet to my cessed to form a macrophage activating
devastion wreaked by the Boxing Day bathroom. The bones in my feet felt like factor. Although there is one human
tsunami (2004) and the culmination they could crumble at any time. It was case study administering oral bovine
of civil war, but they have now left. very painful to walk. MAF as part of a larger treatment
Bridging Lanka is a small NGO that Then one day while perusing Face- protocol (that also included injected
has several community development book I read an article about the dangers human serum GcMAF), the only paper
projects operating at the grassroots of taking fluoride. I checked and found that provides a methodology for manu-
level in Mannar, employing ten local that the anti-depressant I was on was facturing and assaying bovine MAF is
people and benefiting from overseas full of fluoride. I immediately stopped a mouse study in which the finished
volunteers. The organization has re- taking it and within three or four days product was injected directly into the
cently influenced four farmers to al- I could feel a noticeable improvement mouse small intestine.
locate half an acre each to trial organic in my feet. Within seven to ten days I To my knowledge, no other paper
food production. They have also started was walking without any pain. discusses an orally active form of Gc-
a catering business with war widows. I did some research on the internet MAF that has been verified by assay.
The focus is on preparing healthy and found an article stating that fluoride Even if it were present, we have no
traditional food to earn income, but causes skeletal fluorosis, which is often randomized controlled clinical trials
they have also conducted workshops to misdiagnosed as osteoporosis. It stated documenting an anticancer effect. Al-
raise awareness of nutrition and how to that doctors are not taught anything though we can measure a decrease in
prepare wholesome meals for the wider about this condition in med school. nagalase and report on an increase in
6 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017