Page 2 - Winter2017
P. 2
the Weston a. PriCe
Foundation ® President’s Message
Education Research Activism
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President
Kim Schuette, CN,Vice President
Sylvia Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN, Secretary In this journal, we bring you articles by our main speakers in the
Valerie Cury, Treasurer
Pam Schoenfeld, MS, RD, Government Relations Hormone Health series at Wise Traditions 2017.
Sarah Pope First came Ronda Nelson, who presented a Friday all-day seminar
Tom Cowan, MD
Cherie Calvert on thyroid health. She noted that healthy thyroid function depends on
BOARD MEMBERS IN MEMORIAM support from the adrenal, pituitary and the sex glands (ovaries and testes).
Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS She talked in detail about testing for thyroid function, explaining what
Nicholas Gonzalez, MD
Jerry Brunetti each facet of the test could mean. Finally, she presented suggestions on
Fred Kummerow, PhD
a thyroid-healthy lifestyle and diet, which—no surprise—is the Wise
James Turner, Esq. Traditions diet! See her article on page 25.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR At the plenary session on Saturday, Karen Lyke began with a
Kathy Kramer general description of the endocrine system, showing how each gland
HONORARY BOARD works in concert with the others to ensure conception, growth, energy,
Jen Allbritton, BS, CN
Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH homeostasis and, finally, connection with the wider universe. Karen’s
Marie A. Bishop, CDC wisdom can be found on page 13.
Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD Kim Schuette shared her experience with treating women who had
Lee Clifford, MS, CCN
Christapher Cogswell, MA been on bioidentical hormones, explaining the pitfalls of such therapy
Monica Corrado and how to nourish your body so that it makes its own hormones, in
Janice Curtin
Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN just the right amount and at just the right times. Kim shares her find-
Maureen Diaz
Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS ings on page 30.
James A. Duke, PhD Lindsea Willon spoke on the role of exercise in modulating insulin
Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD
Ruth Ann Foster, MA resistance and inflammation. Highlights of her talk are given in the
Donna Gates, BS, Med podcast interview, page 63.
Joann S. Grohman
Laura Hayes For the full talks of these experts (which are much more detailed
Suzanne Humphries, MD
Beatrice Trum Hunter, MA than the articles) consider ordering tapes of the conference. The order
Mark A. Kastel form can be found here:
Felix Liao, DDS
Kilmer McCully, AB, MD, MA (hon) Wi1Xej3R-pp.
Judith McGeary, Esq.
Leigh Merinoff Once our yearly conference is over, we take a deep breath, relax
Carlos Monteiro a few days, and then start planning our next conference. In 2018, we
Kenneth Fielding Morehead, DOM
David Morris, BS, DC are bringing the conference back to the Mid-Atlantic region, at the
Jill Nienhiser, BS, MA beautiful Baltimore Hilton Hotel. Please note that the dates are one
Suroush Niknamian, BSc
Sandrine Perez week later than usual—November 16-18. This is the weekend before
Kathryne Pirtle, BS, MA
Jessica Prentice Thanksgiving, so it’s best to make your travel plans early.
Phil Ridley We are also looking forward to working on several important
Bruce Rind, MD
Sir Julian Rose, BT projects in the new year. One is our push to get raw milk legalized in
Julia Ross, MA
Beverly Rubik, BS, PhD the last seven states (see page 94), a campaign led by the very capable
Joel Salatin Pete Kennedy. Another is a research project with Dr. Martin Groot-
Adrienne Samuels, PhD
Stephanie Seneff, BS, MS, EE, PhD veld at the University of Leichester in the U.K. We will be looking at
C. Edgar Sheaffer, VMD breakdown products in fish and fish liver oils, fat-soluble vitamins in
Ted Spence, DDS, ND
Alana Sugar, CN a variety of foods, and isoflavone (estrogen) levels in egg yolks from
Beverly B. Teter, PhD, FACN, CNS
John Umlauf hens fed with and without soy.
Susun S. Weed Most importantly, we will keep up our efforts to bring the message
Bruce West, DC
David Wetzel, BS of the Wise Traditions diet to as many as possible—the next generation
Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND
Will Winter, DVM depends on it!
2 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017