Page 5 - Winter2017
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the SAD [Standard American Diet]. with obesity, I joined Weight Watchers. followed the trail of breadcrumbs and
It’s work to change deeply embedded I did well but soon became disillusioned became a student of the Weston A. Price
ways and ideas. Just for the fun of it, I with the fake food and the empty nutri- Foundation and its teachings. The in-
made a list of the things and foods we tion they espouse. I started searching formation and assistance is all there but
have changed. It’s now over thirty-five you have to be willing to cleanse your
things. Some small, like the kind of salt mind of all of the misinformation. By
we buy. Some are huge, like the water the way, I’ve now lost fifty-five pounds
purification system and shower filters and I’m loving the butter.”
we installed. The goal is gut health and I think that is a positive note to end
complete health. I could not have done on!
it without you.” Sandrine Perez, Founder
When and how did you learn about Nourishing Our Children
us, I asked? “A few years ago I lived in Portland, Oregon
Florida and was attending, a nutrition
talk at a local chiropractor’s office. He NUTRITION AND DISEASE
was all about the Weston A. Price Foun- IN SRI LANKA
dation teachings and was attending It would come as no surprise to
their seminars. I thought it was great most Wise Traditions readers that over
and true information but did not fully the past few decades the “displacing
grasp the importance of it all. My life and saw something that triggered what foods of modern commerce” have
got crazy and I backslid. Fast forward I had learned in Florida. So we revisited found their way into the homes of
to last October. In complete desperation the WAPF info and jumped in. I just families in Sri Lanka. The correspond-
1. No processed food, everything is homemade 19. No Fake Food [Emphasis is Becky’s]
2. Raw milk from a local farmer 20. No fast food
3. Farm eggs from a different local farmer 21. Homemade ice cream
4. Organic everything including bananas 22. Plain, organic, full-fat yogurt or homemade
5. Grass-fed beef (we bought a split quarter from 23. No more orange juice or juice of any kind
a local rancher) 24. Making fermented foods
6. Organic chicken, locally obtained 25. Kombucha
7. No more supermarket meats at all (actually buy 26. Bone broths
little from supermarkets in general) 27. Locally or single obtained honey, maple syrup, olive oil
8. Eating liver and lots of it 28. Grinding coffee beans, Parmesan cheese, other cheeses,
9. Organic butter and lots of it bread
10. No artificial or vegetable oils 29. Discontinued use of antibacterial soap
11. Using avocado or olive oil 30. Using natural-based soaps (olive)
12. Lard for pie crust (no Crisco) 31. Avoiding chemicals in personal and skin care products
13. Organic flour (no Roundup) and sprouted when 32. Discontinued use of most commercial toothpaste, and
I can get it nothing with fluoride
14. Butter in baked goods 33. Homemade almond milk
15. Heat-popped organic popcorn 34. Nothing GMO
16. Discontinued use of microwave (threw it out) 35. Water filters in showers
17. No sugary cereals; limit grains in general 36. Water purifier for drinking water
18. Emphasis on low sugar food in general 37. Threw out my cookware and replaced them with cast iron
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 5