Page 9 - Winter2017
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poses unneeded risk since increasing posure to times when the sun’s altitude foods to prevent the toxic effects of
exposure to about 60 percent of skin is about 30 degrees (early morning or glyphosates, and avoid sunscreen and
area decreases sun exposure required late afternoon) can produce 1000 IU of cholesterol-lowering statins all make
for vitamin D synthesis by a factor of vitamin D in ten to fifteen minutes in sense and have no associated downside.
four. Perth, Australia, one of the cities those with type 2 skin (including me) In contrast, the recommendations to
in the study, is about the same lati- with 60 percent of skin area exposed. “spend significant time outdoors” and
tude as my home in Baldwin County, Under those conditions, the time for sun “get plenty of sun exposure to the skin”
Alabama. Data from Perth suggest that damage to begin (one MED) increases may result in a high risk of skin and
during the hottest six months of the to about one hour. I don’t think such eye damage. To the best of my knowl-
year in Baldwin County the average exposure would meet Dr. Seneff’s edge there is no reason to believe that
time required to synthesize 1000 IU of advice to “get plenty of sun exposure sun-activated synthesis of cholesterol
vitamin D is about 2 minutes at noon to the skin” but such exposure is ap- sulfate in skin requires more sun ex-
and 3.7 minutes at 9 AM and 3 PM for parently sufficient to synthesize 1000 posure than is required for adequate
those with type 2 skin with 60 percent IU of vitamin D, and I expect will also vitamin D synthesis. It is my hypothesis
of skin exposed. The time required for produce adequate cholesterol sulfate. that the sun exposure required for ad-
absorption of one MED of UV which Dr. Seneff’s hypothesis regarding equate vitamin D synthesis, which can
may cause skin damage is about 11 the association between cholesterol be obtained during early and late hours
minutes at noon and 14 minutes at sulfate synthesis in the skin activated of the day when risk of sun damage is
9 AM and 3 PM (MJA, Volume 184 by sun exposure and cardiovascu- reduced, is sufficient for synthesis of
Number 7, 3 April 2006). lar disease is very convincing. Dr. cholesterol sulfate.
The data also suggest that in Bald- Seneff’s recommendations to consume Jack Cameron
win County, Alabama, limiting sun ex- foods high in sulfur, eat only organic Fairhope, Alabama
Winners of the coveted WAPF Activist Award, with Sally Fallon Morell: Kris Johnson, Diane Ives,
Becca Griffith, Susie Zahratka, Katie Williamson, Andrew Gardner, Nancy Eason and Susie Hagemeister.
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 9