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            quality of life in human case studies,  (Fall 2017). I would also like to recom-  of sun exposure to the skin without
            the anticancer benefits of an orally ac-  mend the website, breastcancerchoices.  sunscreen.” Sunscreen interferes with
            tive form of GcMAF as bovine MAF  org which looks at iodine deficiency as  synthesis of cholesterol sulfate by sup-
            remain speculative. Furthermore, the  a factor in many breast tumors. I’ve  pressing sunlight catalysis; in addition,
            method with which to make bovine  personally seen lumps go away in a  the aluminum content of sunscreen
            MAF, as detailed in the research litera-  couple of days with iodine and a little  interferes with cholesterol sulfate syn-
            ture, bears no resemblance to the recipe  cream that they recommend. They used  thesis.
            reported in this article and on related  to (and may still) send a free kit to have     Other chemicals interfere with
            websites.                          iodine tested for anyone diagnosed with  cholesterol sulfate synthesis, including
                I am hopeful that dairy ferments  breast cancer.                 glyphosate, the active ingredient in the
            may be a source of orally active Gc-                   Isabella Smith  pervasive herbicide Roundup. A strong
            MAF, but until we have a testable and               Bowie, Maryland  correlation has been found between
            repeatable protocol in place, there is                               the increased percentage of hospital
            insufficient evidence to claim that a  HOW MUCH SUN EXPOSURE?        patients admitted for heart failure and
            specially prepared form of yogurt or     In the article, “Cholesterol Sul-  increased application of glyphosate to
            kefir contain GcMAF.               fate and the Heart” (Summer 2017),  corn and soy crops. Dr. Seneff also be-
                Please see EastTroyAcupuncture.  Stephanie Seneff, PhD, reviewed her  lieves that use of cholesterol-lowering
            com/GcMAF  for  a  comprehensive  hypothesis that UVB rays from the  statin drugs may increase risk of heart
            article on the subject with linked refer-  sun synthesize cholesterol sulfate from  failure.
            ences.                             dietary sulfur and cholesterol, and that     Accordingly, Dr. Seneff recom-
               Brandon LaGreca, CAc, MAcOM     the synthesized soluble cholesterol  mends eating only certified organic
                               Chapter Leader  sulfate is essential for decreased risk  foods and avoiding use of statin drugs.
                          East Troy, Wisconsin  of cardiovascular disease and high  The hypothesis that cholesterol sulfate
                                               blood pressure. Accordingly, Dr. Seneff  synthesized by the skin is important
            IODINE DEFICIENCY                  recommends eating foods rich in sul-  to heart and blood pressure functions
                Thank you for your issue on cancer  fur and advises readers to “get plenty  makes sense. Dietary garlic, which is

                         INTEGRITY IN SCIENCE AWARD

                     Sally Fallon Morell presents the prestigious
                      Mary G. Enig Integrity in Science Award
                      to a very surprised Zöe Harcombe, PhD.

                 Previous Integrity in Science Award winners include:
                        Tetyana Obuykhanych, PhD (2016)
                    Beverly Rubik, PhD, and Allan Savory (2015)
                          Chris Masterjohn, PhD (2014)
                          Andrew Wakefield, MD (2013)
                          Stephanie Seneff, PhD (2012)
                          Fred Kummerow, PhD (2011)
                          Nicholas Gonzalez, MD (2010)

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