Page 3 - Winter2017
P. 3
FRESH MILK IS HEALTHY! eggs and poultry, fully pastured meats, CHILDREN
My daughter’s opera company, beef tallow, lard, coconut oil, Himala- WITH HIGH IMMUNITY
Orlando Youth Opera, is presenting yan pink salt, raw honey and grade B One evening in the fall of 1999,
Brundibar by Czech composer Hans maple syrup. We soak and cook our on a whim, I went to the presentation,
Krása. The opera was composed right beans in bone broth with kombu. We Oiling of America, in Nashua, New
before World War II and tells the story make gluten-free “sourdough” breads Hampshire. Little did I know how my
of a brother and sister who search for by fermenting whole millet and buck- life would change that night. I walked
fresh milk for their ailing mother. Many wheat grains. We ferment locally grown out of the meeting “on cloud nine” as
lines celebrate milk, butter, cream and and organic produce into delicious cul- my husband put it, because I had found
cheese! One of my favorite lines is tured veggies. And, of course, we make someone unafraid to speak the truth
“Who needs a doctor’s care? That’s bone broths with pastured bones and regarding nutrition.
for the wealthy. Milk and cream your spring water—this is what we started As a dietitian, I had struggled with
mother needs. Fresh milk is healthy!” with! the current lowfat tenets and with the
It makes me happy to hear these It has been a journey and we pressure to promote margarine and
children singing about milk—espe- recently took a big plunge and rented vegetable oils, intuitively knowing this
cially knowing the composer meant real our own kitchen with shop in Red advice was wrong. WAPF validated my
raw milk from a Czech family farm! Hook, New York (in the lovely Hudson suspicions and I wholly embraced its
Lee Burdett Valley). We are slowly gaining local philosophy. I became a chapter leader
Altamonte Springs, FL customers and continue delivering to and never once looked back.
New York City twice weekly, directly Fast forward nearly twenty years—
A WAPF-INSPIRED BUSINESS to our customers’ homes. We especially I now have three children, all WAPF ba-
I’ve been following the WAPF love serving people who are seeking the bies, all incredibly healthy and bright.
recommendations since I first learned highest quality food or recovering from (My daughter is a freshman at Fryeburg
about Weston Price’s work in 2008 illness, and also families with young Academy High School where she is
(right after my son Oliver’s birth). In children. one of only two students, in a class of
fact, I was so very moved and inspired Our three boys have been raised one-hundred-and-fifty, eligible to take
by Dr. Price’s work that we named this way and are beautiful, healthy Honors Algebra II.)
our second son for him. After my first children. Thanks to your work, and My son’s best friend was recently
attempted home birth resulting in a C- the work of Dr. Campbell-McBride, diagnosed with pertussis. The condition
section, I was beyond thrilled to give we have been able to address digestive actually went undiagnosed for three
birth to Weston at home, safe in my issues in our first son and our marriage weeks, while this young boy coughed
own space, with no complications. It has been saved since getting off of and coughed in our car and at our house.
has truly been life-changing to be on gluten and sugar (my husband suffers His mother, knowing my children were
this journey to better health through a great deal of depression when he has not vaccinated, called to alert me to his
dietary changes and traditional nourish- these things). diagnosis. I was never worried, know-
ing foods! Thank you from the bottom of my ing that the foods we were eating would
I will advertise in the journal very heart. We seek to educate and support protect them. To the surprise of friends
soon, but I wanted to let you know that everyone who is searching for a better and family, my kids never came down
we have a small but long-established way, as you and the Foundation do as with even a slight cough.
prepared foods business, the Oliver well. This is just one of many examples
Weston Company. We use all WAPF- Hannah Springer of how WAPF has affected our health
approved ingredients and cooking Chapter Leader over the years, and I cannot count the
methods, providing soy-free pastured Dutchess County, New York ways your work has helped family and
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 3