Page 4 - Winter2017
P. 4


         friends, too.                      protect their developing babies.  I’ll be sixty-eight in a few weeks which
             Indeed, my life changed on that     Now, they are targeting older  proves it’s never too late to start, or
         fateful night in Nashua so many years  adults (already happening in hospitals  go back to what you knew as a child.”
         ago. I have only immense gratitude for  and elder-care facilities, and of course,  Today, Becky posted in our Nourished
         the advice that WAPF provides through  at each and every doctor visit). Soon,  Children forum on Facebook, and her
         its website, journals, and presentations.  doctors will be kicking out seniors who  words moved me to tears. I’ve been
               Donna Dodge, Chapter Leader  refuse vaccinations, and Medicare and  supporting community members like
                           Denmark, Maine   health insurance companies will no  her for twelve years and this is what
                                            doubt soon require vaccinations as a  makes it all worthwhile.
         VACCINATION AGENDA                 prerequisite for coverage.            Becky continues: “I so appreciate
         FOR ADULTS                            Young and middle-aged adults, you  this group and I have learned so much!
             Check out this article in the Sep-  are the last bastion—and you will be  Thank you all for the things that you
         tember issue of the AARP Bulletin,  next. There will be no driver’s license  contribute. Our dietary habits have
         setting the stage for forced vaccination  or passport renewals for you soon, no  changed one hundred eighty degrees
         of older adults just as the stage has pre-  health insurance coverage unless you  and we are all the healthier for it. I am
         viously been set for children from birth  comply, nor will you be allowed to  an active grandmother in my eight-
         to eighteen, and now into the college  travel, maybe not even shop. Yes, it is  year-old grandson’s life, and now fix
         years:  coming. Unless we put a stop to it.  him a wonderful breakfast every day
         info-2017/adult-vaccinations-risk-fd.     It appears that it is going to get  of sausage and farm eggs cooked in a
         html.                              worse before it gets better, if it ever gets  tablespoon of excellent butter. That plus
             First, vaccination laws targeted  better. Time will tell. We are living in  a spoonful of cod liver oil and a glass
         the helpless infants and toddlers who  tyrannical times. Don’t be deceived that  of raw milk and he is off to school. He
         couldn’t verbalize what was happen-  we are living in “the land of the free.”  is looking and feeling healthier and his
         ing inside their brains and bodies  When the powers that be dictate that  eczema and other skin conditions have
         post-vaccination. Next, they targeted  heinous concoctions, by the score, and  completely cleared up. I also make his
         school-age children, and now college-  with no liability, be injected into your  school lunch now and pack healthy nu-
         age young adults, withholding school  children, your aging parents, and you,  tritious foods in it. We do give him the
         entrance and sometimes medical care  you are not free.               option of school hot lunch maybe once a
         from them unless they comply with                       Laura Hayes  month, and in printing that menu today,
         scores of extremely dangerous, health-         Granite Bay, California  I saw that the children have an option of
         destroying, life-shortening vaccines.                                either lowfat or 1 percent milk. It made
         At the same time, they forced numer-   A GRANDMOTHER’S               my blood boil to see how government
         ous vaccines on all military personnel,  TESTIMONIAL                 interference has negatively affected the
         denying them the most fundamental     This was a testimonial I published  school lunch programs. Our refrigerator
         freedoms of self autonomy and bodily  on the Nourishing Our Children blog,  is filled with whole raw milk that we get
         integrity, while at the same time telling  and hoped it may inspire others!   here in Colorado Springs and we are so
         them they are putting their lives on the     Becky Audet Comeau explains  blessed to have this.”
         line in order to protect and uphold our  that this photo was captured (next     She went on to add: “You have
         “freedom” in America. Most recently,  page) “when food was food and we  influenced me deeply and I’ve subse-
         they targeted babies in the womb, lying  grew almost everything we ate, and  quently been able to influence others.
         to their pregnant mothers by telling  food was homemade. My parents also  I know now this message is carried
         them they must have multiple vaccines  drove ten miles round-trip to buy raw  one-by-one to those who are willing
         during their pregnancies in order to  milk. This would have been 1953 or so.  to dig for information and challenge

         4                                          Wise Traditions                              WINTER 2017
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