Page 10 - Winter2017
P. 10
Caustic Commentary
Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
PURE VINDICATION (New Scientist, Nov 16, 2017). Researchers are blaming
Earlier this year (Spring 2017), we reported on a talk by Dr. prosperity, the availability of birth control, the Internet and
Salim Yusif at Cardiology Update 2017, a symposium pre- many other factors for the population decline, while ignoring
sented by the European Society of Cardiology ( the most obvious one: the worldwide replacement of animal
watch?v=RwGteseHyas). Yusif gave us a taste of the data fats with vegetable oils. Drs. Price and Pottenger predicted
from the PURE study, a large ongoing epidemiological study this population implosion years ago. They knew that animal
carried out in eighteen countries. Well, the results are in and fats support fertility while vegetable oils do not.
they are definitely not politically correct. The PURE study
looked at the dietary intake of over one hundred thirty-five GUT FLORA AND AUTISM
thousand individuals over seven years. During this period the Not only are we having fewer children, but so many of the
participants suffered almost six thousand deaths and almost precious children we are having suffer from autism and
five thousand major cardiovascular disease events. Higher related disorders. A new study has found that an altered
carbohydrate intake—not higher fat intake—was associated intestinal microbiome results in impaired social behavior in
with an increased risk of total mortality while higher intake mice. Specifically, when a type of bacteria that produces bile
of total fat and higher intake of each type of fat was associ- acids and contributes to tryptophan metabolism is reduced,
ated with lower risk of total mortality. Higher saturated fat the result is marked gastrointestinal dysfunction and behavior
intake was associated with lower risk of stroke. Total fat that mirrors autistic conduct in humans. These results point
and saturated and unsaturated fats were not significantly to the many factors in the modern environment that can ad-
associated with risk of myocardial infarction or cardiovas- versely affect gut flora: vaccinations, genetically engineered
cular disease mortality. The researchers concluded: “Global food, glyphosate, C-sections, a hyperclean environment and
dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these lack of lacto-fermented foods.
findings” (Lancet 4 Nov 2017:390 (10107);2050-2062). They
certainly should! (But don’t hold your breath for changes ALUMINUM AND AUTISM
any time soon.) An explosive new study has found that the levels of alumi-
num in the brains of autistic individuals are consistently
POPULATION IMPLOSION high—some of the highest values for aluminum in human
If you were in college in the late 1960s (as I was), you may brain tissue yet recorded. The aluminum was found in the
remember posters for Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 bestseller, The neurons but also “intracellularly in microglia-like cells and
Population Bomb, which predicted that by the year 2000, we other inflammatory non-neuronal cells in the meninges,
would be eating dogs and children and living on the moon vasculature, grey and white matter.” In other words, the
due to lack of space on earth. The message of those posters toxic metal was everywhere (Journal of Trace Elements in
was clear: college students should not burden the earth by Medicine and Biology 40 (2017) 30–36). There is only one
having children. Ehrlich’s book had a similar message to that way the aluminum could have gotten into the brain in such
of eugenicist Thomas Malthus, who predicted that the world quantity—by injection directly into the blood through vacci-
would run out of food by 1890. Now scientists are waking nation. Our body has many mechanisms (including gut flora)
up to the real population crisis—that half the world’s nations to prevent the absorption of aluminum in food and water.
have fertility rates below the replacement level of just over
two children per woman. If recent trends continue, Germany SEIZURES AFTER MMR
and Italy, for example, could see their populations cut in half Vaccination proponents argue that the dangers from measles
within the next sixty years. The consequences of a world in far outweigh the dangers of the vaccine. But a letter from
which children are rarities are dire—with huge amounts of Shira Miller, president, Physicians for Informed Consent pub-
resources taken up with care of the elderly (already a reality lished in the British Medical Journal presents a dissenting
in Japan), economic downturn and a decline in innovation view. Miller notes that a large 2004 Danish study published
10 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017