Page 17 - Winter2017
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is to promote growth. In adults, IGFs maintain (that is, somatostatin ). GHIH then instructs the Homeostasis,
muscle and bone mass and support tissue repair. somatotrophic cells of the anterior pituitary to the delicate
In addition, IGFs promote lipolysis, release of cease producing and secreting GH.
fats (lipids) from adipocytes (fat cells), for use as Regulation of both GHRH and GHIH balance to
fuel by the cells affected by GH. Interestingly, is through blood sugar (glucose) levels, with keep the
IGFs decrease uptake of glucose by those af- hyperglycemia inhibiting GHRH—as if to say complexities
fected cells, giving preference to the use of fats “Enough already! Don’t promote any more
for ATP production, sparing the glucose so that growth!” Hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, by of the body
it can be used by the neurons (nerve cells) in the contrast, has an inhibitory or suppressive ef- running
brain. Perhaps this is a factor in the difference fect on GHIH, and the net effect is to increase smoothly,
between insulin and IGF. GHRH, hence GH, with consequently increased
Insulin is made and secreted by the pan- levels of blood glucose. Chronic or persistent can easily
creas in response to elevated blood sugar. Unlike excess of GH leads to constant hyperglycemia be disrupted
IGFs, which decrease the uptake of glucose by or elevated blood sugar. This in turn prompts if constant
the cells, insulin's most prominent role is to the pancreas to secrete insulin, since blood sugar
deliver blood glucose to cells where it is used to levels as well as fluid are closely regulated. fluctuations
generate energy as ATP. Insulin also facilitates An excess or hypersecretion of GH affects and demands
entry of amino acids into cells and activates the growth of tissues throughout the body but are imposed
protein synthesis. Insulin is unlike most other becomes most evident as excessive growth in
hormones in that it is anabolic, that is, it pro- the long bones, leading to abnormal height or on it.
motes construction of substances, in contrast to gigantism, with acromegaly —enlarged hands,
catabolic agents which break substances down. feet and facial bones, coarse features and an
Any excess glucose, or protein as amino acids, enlarged tongue. Insufficient or hyposecretion
beyond what can be immediately used for fuel of GH in children, by contrast, leads to pituitary
or construction, is either stored as glycogen or dwarfism with adult height being about four feet,
as fat. but with relatively normal proportions. While
This is a crucial point. It is not fat that research is inconclusive, severe deficit of GH in
makes a person fat; it is excess carbs. The body children has been linked with progeria, where
converts excess carbohydrates, particularly body tissues atrophy and accelerated aging
refined carbohydrates, to fat. ensues. 12
Insulin’s net effect is to lower blood sugar. Blood sugar as well as fluid content are
If blood sugar is chronically and inordinately both closely regulated. Homeostasis, the delicate
elevated, after a while the β-cells of the pan- balance to keep the complexities of the body
creas lose their capacity to secrete insulin and running smoothly, can easily be disrupted if
burn out, resulting in diabetes. This happens constant fluctuations and demands are im-
with constant consumption of refined sugars posed on it. Since GH summons the release of
and starches. Continued fluctuation of blood glucose from storage (as glycogen) in the liver
sugar levels places exhausting demands on and prompts the conversion of some proteins
homeostasis and the entire hormone axis, and into glucose via gluconeogenesis, the current
is profoundly stressful. The ensuing disorder societal excess of dietary sugar is a conspicuous
then emerges as disease. Simply eliminating the culprit in hormone imbalances and its various
symptoms, either by covering them up or block- manifestations.
ing the metabolic pathways that generate them,
does not cure the disease nor heal the person. THYROTROPINS
Mere elimination of symptoms perpetuates the TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone )
endocrine axis disarray, and in effect drives the from the hypothalamus stimulates the produc-
disease deeper. tion and release of TSH by the anterior pituitary.
In a healthy, properly operating system, as TSH goes via the blood to the thyroid gland,
blood levels of glucose rise, feedback to the hy- situated in the anterior neck (in front of the
pothalamus inhibits GHRH and activates GHIH throat). TSH then prompts the thyroid gland to
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 17