Page 20 - Winter2017
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reticularis secretes DHEA, androgens and es- renew itself. Limiting dietary cholesterol intake is futile, since the body
trogens—the sex hormones. Which hormone is will make as much cholesterol as it needs. Conversely, vegetarians or
activated depends on the nature of the enzymes vegans, who argue that consuming cholesterol is not necessary, overlook
present in the particular zone and the presence the metabolic expense to the body of making cholesterol. Resources
of other ancillary synergistic agents. In other devoted to generating cholesterol are not available for other important
words, it’s not a simple linear system, but one roles, and health suffers. Low serum cholesterol is associated with cancer,
of complex cooperation and interaction. depression and suicidal and homicidal tendencies. Dr. Price’s accounts
All adrenal cortical hormones are generated of South Sea highland vegetarian groups cannibalizing their seacoast
from cholesterol. The adrenal cortex contains neighbors if denied access to seafood illustrate this important point.
the highest concentration of cholesterol outside Cortisol is the major hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex, in
the nervous system. The brain is 70 percent a diurnal rhythm. Cortisol levels are highest in the morning, lowest at
lipids, including cholesterol. The adrenal cortex night, unless the endocrine axis is out of balance, as is the common case
uses cholesterol to synthesize aldosterone, cor- of “awake all night and sleepy all day.” Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is a
tisol and DHEA, from which the sex hormones glucocorticoid, meaning a cholesterol molecule enhanced with particular
are made. sugar molecules, and is crucial for life. Apparently all cells have gluco-
Cholesterol is so important to health that corticoid receptors, and thus can be activated by cortisol or a derivative
all tissues of the body are capable of generat- to one extent or another.
ing it. When serum cholesterol is low, the body Yes, cortisol is crucial for life. Its primary role is to ensure blood
is severely limited in its capacity to repair and sugar stability, that is, a reliable energy supply so cells can carry out their
• FATIGUE: Cells aren’t getting reliable support for their function.
• SUGAR AND SALT CRAVINGS: “Maybe eating this will give my cells what they are craving!”
• CAFFEINE AND NICOTINE ADDICTIONS: “Please help my body wake up, function, settle down—argh!”
• SLOW MORNING START: “Where’s my coffee?” Sleep time is intended to afford reflection, putting things in order.
Get to bed earlier for more effective renewal and restoration.
• LATE AFTERNOON CRASH: “Sweets and cola, or that good old Mountain Dew.”
• BETWEEN-MEAL EATING: Fat sustains; carbs, especially when refined, tantalize.
• DIZZINESS: According to traditional Chinese medicine, dizziness occurs when the liver is overworked, possibly a
reflection of chaotic blood sugar fluctuations.
• HEADACHES: The liver isn’t caught up with cleanup from before, so now there are leftovers and clutter to deal with.
One interpretation of migraines is that they are spasms due to irregular blood supply to brain tissues.
• ALLERGIES AND ASTHMA: No resources left to deal with strange substances, so just shoo them out as best you can
by gasping, coughing, sneezing, sniffling.
• WEAKENED IMMUNE SYSTEM: Too much for the body to deal with; lost track of which “other” substance is helping
and which is likely to cause problems.
• INSOMNIA: Can’t fall asleep or can’t stay asleep. Inflammatory reactions spread throughout the body when something
is awry.
• DIGESTIVE ISSUES SUCH AS BLOATING AND GAS: At least 70 percent of the immune system is in the gut. If preoc-
cupied with external stimuli, bodily resources just aren’t there to process anything else.
• ULCERS: Even fewer resources are available to balance gut microbes and repair tissues.
• IRRITABILITY: Nerve cells drag or simply quit if they don’t have needed support (such as a consistent fuel supply as
steady blood sugar or fats and their derivatives).
• BLURRED VISION: Another indication of irregular and erratic blood delivery of fuel and oxygen.
• MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES: Bodily self-preservation takes priority over providing for the next generation.
• GRUMPY-OLD-MAN SYNDROME: Sometimes called male menopause. The priority of self-preservation over
providing for others isn’t gender-specific.
20 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017