Page 25 - Winter2017
P. 25
A Primer on the Thyroid
By Ronda Nelson, PhD
he thyroid is part of a network of glands known as
the endocrine system. The word “endocrine” refers
Tspecifically to glands that release hormones or other
products directly into the bloodstream. These hormones
are able to move throughout the body, effecting physi-
ologic change at their intended destinations. Much like a
finely crafted Swiss watch, the glands and hormones of the
endocrine system help our bodies keep perfect time and
remain healthy.
Early in the twentieth century, researchers knew that the hormones pro-
duced by the endocrine glands conferred a profound effect on the human
body. Essentially, every organ, tissue, system and subsequent physiological
reaction throughout the body was under their influence. In 1922, Dr. Henry
Harrower published an extensive eighty-page monograph detailing the
function and interrelations seen within the endocrine system. Prior to Dr.
Harrower’s publication, scientists of the day had only suspicions about how
the thyroid functioned, so his observations provided a cohesive report that
garnered much attention from the medical community.
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 25