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cooking habits. Refrigerators, packaged baking  truth. Most store-bought chicken is bulked up   The average
            mixes and all sorts of processed foods flooded  even further through “brining”—injecting the
            the market. Chicken was not only the first meat  meat with a salt-water mixture. Studies have   mass-produced
            to benefit from advances in nutrition and the  found that this cheap mixture represents almost  chicken in the
            application of antibiotics to animal production  one-fifth of store-bought chicken by weight.    U.S. is a
            (along with an immense infusion of government  Processed chicken products (tenders, nuggets
            resources and research), it also was the first meat  and the like) are even worse, containing fillers,   pathogenic
            to become the mainstay of the processed food  additives and extenders that sometimes com- bacterial bomb
            products heavily marketed to the American  prise up to half the finished product's weight.   waiting to
            people. Slick marketing convinced people to   Chicken’s low cost at the store hides a high
            adopt these new items en masse, including an  price tag in terms of health. The mass produc-  happen.
            array of processed chicken products. It made  tion of chicken (as well as pork and, to a lesser
            only too much sense at the time—an animal  extent, beef), has unleashed a microbiological
            living in an artificial environment and being fed  war. Although antibiotics quickly became an
            artificial foods and nutrients would become the  industry crutch in both “growth promotion”
            processed, artificial meat food for the masses.   and “mortality reduction,” as early as the
                                                      1950s—and following close behind “the chicken
            THE MOST DANGEROUS MEAT                   of tomorrow”—the problem of antibiotic resis-
               Chicken’s ascent to the top of the Ameri-  tance began to emerge. The meat industry has
            can diet did not come cheaply. Government  largely ignored the overwhelming evidence
            involvement in the industrial production of  that the blanket use of antibiotics has led to
            chicken continued long after the “Chicken  widespread antibiotic-resistant pathogens in
            of Tomorrow” contest ended. The main feed  our food and environment. Until recently, the
            stuffs for chicken—corn and soy—still enjoy  industry stubbornly resisted any limitations
            multibillion dollar per year government subsi-  or changes to a system that costs additional
            dies. The USDA recently announced that 2016  hundreds of millions if not billions per year
            payments under the Price Loss Coverage (PLC)  and kills tens of thousands of consumers. As of
            and Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) program  2014, over fifty thousand deaths per year were
            totaled eight billion dollars.  This is just one  caused by antibiotic-resistant infections in the
            of many subsidies and support programs that  U.S. and Europe. 9
            industrial food and meat producers enjoy at the   In fact, Consumer Reports has found that
            taxpayer’s expense. Total subsidies, direct and  the average mass-produced chicken in the U.S. is
            indirect, may well run into the tens of billions  a pathogenic bacterial bomb waiting to happen,
            of dollars per year.                      with only one in three chickens tested by Con-
               With all these subsidies, one would think  sumer Reports free of pathogenic bacteria.  For
            that chicken producers wouldn’t need to cut  years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
            corners. This could not be further from the  (FDA) has railed over raw (unpasteurized) milk,

                 Johanna Keefe, PhD (C), MS, RN, GAPS/P is completing a doctoral thesis through the California Institute of Integral
             Studies’ Transformative Studies program. Her work reveals, with in-depth interviews, the lived experiences of a small
             sample of women who have chosen, as mothers, to follow a nutrient-dense diet based on the research of Dr. Weston A.
             Price. While her interviews are now completed and she is in the analysis phase of her writing, Johanna wishes to continue
             with post-doctoral work by gathering a larger sample of stories, especially from mothers who have watched their children
             grow over time on a traditional diet. In her effort to reach the widest audience and to inform young women of childbear-
             ing age, her future vision may include a published collection of stories and possibly a film, to enlighten the hearts of our
             future parents and grandparents. To this end, Johanna has conceived of a research blog, Growing Success Stories, to
             invite just such parents to connect with her vision by sharing their story. If you are such a mother, please consider visiting
    Johanna looks forward to hearing from you through email at,
             or by phone at (978) 290-0266. Thank you! Together we will contribute to a return of a flourishing, thriving and resilient
             new generation!

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