Page 63 - Winter2017
P. 63
Wise Traditions Podcast Interviews
Hilda Labrada Gore: My guest, Lindsea and the processed food that was in the dorms.
Willon, studied nutritional sciences and was The food that I had been used to in high school
a college athlete at the University of Califor- was unavailable.
nia, Berkeley. She also has a master’s degree
in kinesiology and is certified as a nutritional HG: Were you looking for that food you were
therapy practitioner. She is on the staff of the used to? Or were you a typical teenager who
Biodynamic Wellness Group in San Diego. All thought, “Oh mom, what does she know?”
of these experiences have helped Lindsea put
two and two together to understand the impor- LW: I actually went to college to figure out what
tance of a nutritionally complete diet. She gives my mother knew. My mom became a nutritional
us insight into how we should fuel our bodies therapy practitioner when I was in high school.
to stay strong and how to avoid ending up on I went to college to study nutrition to figure
a sugar roller coaster. She says we don’t need out how all that worked, but I didn’t start to
to get “hangry” or suffer from sleeplessness or practice what I was preaching until later in my
premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Lindsea, how college years.
did you get into the dietary field? I understand Hilda Labrada Gore
you were an athlete in high school and college. HG: I feel for all those college athletes who is an enthusiastic
haven’t been raised on a diet like yours. They’ve communicator, health
Lindsea Willon: Yes. In high school, I was been eating badly all the time. I’m sure they coach and fitness
blessed to have a mom and a neighbor who were prone to injury and fatigue. professional. She is
fueled me with Wise Traditions food and the the producer and
host of the Wise
most wonderful diet a high school athlete could LW: Absolutely. I saw the health of my entire Traditions podcast,
have. I was a wonderfully healthy lacrosse team improve as soon as we started to follow which to date has
player, able to be a starter and play the whole what I was learning and had learned from over one million
game with no exhaustion and no injuries. It my mom. Everyone on the team improved as downloads, and also
was great. In college, however, I began eating athletes. It was such a strong example of how is the DC co-chapter
a less-than-optimal Standard American Diet in important our diet is. leader for WAPF.
the dorm, and I quickly regressed. During the She is passionate
second year of eating on my own and not being HG: I only wish you had taken pictures like about wellness on
every level, which
very well-informed, I tore my meniscus and Dr. Price did. is why she is known
my MCL (medial collateral ligament) and was as “holistic Hilda”
so exhausted after exercise that I had to nap LW: I wish I could have documented that. I (
between classes and after practices. I felt sick. think that our junior year national championship She is a blogger,
win—after we started eating better—can be at- speaker and
HG: You could tell the difference because you tributed to our diet. But yes, I really wish I could consultant for those
had been fed the Wise Traditions way, and sud- have interviewed all the girls and asked them who want to launch
denly you’re away at college and not eating well. how they were feeling and how much better they their own podcasts.
She lives in
were once they started eating what I was making Washington, D.C.,
LW: Absolutely. Of course, college is a totally for them or after they listened to me when I said with her husband,
different environment, but the biggest change that butter was really good for them. children and
was the difference in the butter that was served dog and cat.
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 63