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comparing its consumption to playing “Russian Roulette,” yet chicken REFERENCES
is a truly dangerous food that is available in every single supermarket 1. Kiefner J. Chickens rule in year of the rooster. FarmWeek-, February 24, 2017.
in America. The bacterial odds of industrial chicken consumption make 2. Super T. State of chicken: consumption at all-time high. The
Russian Roulette seem a more enticing option by comparison! In spite of 3. National Provisioner, October 24, 2016.
McKenna M. Big Chicken: The Incredible Story of How
clear evidence of pathogenic risks, the FDA, USDA and other government Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture and Changed the
agencies have been slow to do anything substantial about this threat. Way the World Eats. Washington, DC: National Geographic,
Although antibiotics were the first dangerous and environmentally 4. Gordon JS. The chicken story. American Heritage 1996;47(5).
deleterious growth promoter used in meat production, they were not the 5.
Martin P. The 500: how Cecile Steele began a multi-billion
last. Until recently, regulators also allowed arsenic as a growth promoter dollar industry.
in chicken feed. The FDA downplayed the use of arsenic as a problem, but 500-how-cecile-steele-began-a-multi-billion-dollar-indus-
the decades of arsenic use in chicken production have left large swaths of 6. NC Soybean Producers Association. History of soybeans.
the nation contaminated, especially in areas where the immense amounts 7.
Clayton C. USDA: ARC-PLC payments coming: USDA
of confined chicken excrement became fertilizer for field crops. announces roughly $8 billion in farm program payments
for old-crop year. DTN/The Progressive Farmer, October 3,
WHY REAL CHICKEN 8. Burton N. Sodium use in poultry production scrutinized.
There is a great deal more to the story of chicken. It is a story worth 9. Food Safety News, March 2, 1010.
McKenna M. The coming cost of superbugs: 10 million deaths
understanding, because chicken, more so than any other meat in America, per year. Wired, December 15, 2014.
encapsulates our national story of food and farming. This includes the 10. Consumer Reports. Dangerous contaminated chicken: 97%
of the breasts we tested harbored bacteria that could make
change from a decentralized, ecologically oriented system to a consoli- you sick.
dated, industrially minded system, as well as the change from consum- 11. South Dakota Historical Society Press. Wilder’s chickens.
ing natural food stuffs and forages to relying on isolated nutrients and The Pioneer Girl Project, May 21, 2015. https://pioneergirl-
pharmaceuticals to stave off the damaging effects of low-quality food 12. Hines SW (Ed.). Laura Ingalls Wilder, Farm Journalist:
and lifestyles. Writings from the Ozarks. Columbia and London: University
of Missouri Press, 2007.
If there is any meat for which it is worth paying a premium price, 13. Carbone J. Chicken, eggs, and the changing American diet.
it is poultry. Few foods pose as great a danger to our health (both per- Smithsonian, April 7, 2015.
sonal and environmental) as industrial chicken, and few foods depend
as much on government subsidization and protection. Finally, few foods
offer such a powerful opportunity to change the way the American food
system works by voting with our forks and dollars for real farmers.
Sally Fallon Morell holds two rockfish that eventually Hardworking volunteers for the master class: Susie
became fish filets with a delicious fish broth-based Zahratka, George Diaz (aka Oven Man) and Claire Viadro.
cream sauce. They also prepared chicken with a
lemon glaze and leg of lamb with gravy, using
delicious stock from Fields of Athenry.
62 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017