Page 71 - Winter2017
P. 71

All Thumbs Book Reviews

            Big Chicken: The Incredible Story of How  of Big Chicken focuses on how industrial and
            Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture    scientific advances that began in the 1920s
            and Changed the Way the World Eats        reengineered the chicken. Specifically, this sec-
            By Maryn McKenna                          tion of the book explores the unfolding overuse
            National Geographic                       and abuse of antibiotics in chicken production.
                                                      McKenna nicely sums up her book’s central
                A decade ago, I remember picking up The  thesis on page 31: “Antibiotics have been so
            Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan for the  difficult to root out of modern meat because,
            first time. A few short hours later, I had finished  in a crucial way, they created [modern meat].”
            the book, immersed in a world of words care-  Although many other factors also have played
            fully crafted to move my mind and body to bet-  a part in creating the massive mess that is mod-
            ter food choices. It worked. For myself and many  ern meat production—including the advent of
            others, Pollan’s book helped create significant  artificial animal nutrition and industrial crop
            and lasting changes.                      production as well as changes in animal breed-
                As I dug into Maryn McKenna’s new book,  ing methods—all of these would be for naught
            Big Chicken, it reminded me of the power that  without antibiotics.
            great books can have in propelling needed    Animal production currently uses 80 per-
            changes. Poultry is an area where America and  cent of antibiotics in the U.S. and makes use of
            the world desperately need big change, and  over half of the antibiotics produced globally.
            Big Chicken is the kind of book that can help  McKenna observes (p. 27), “What slows the
            create it.                                emergence of resistance is using an antibiotic
                The book is exceptionally well crafted.  conservatively: at the right dose, for the right
            McKenna weaves between real-life stories,  length of time, for an organism that will be
            history, statistics and science with a skill and  vulnerable to the drug, and not for any other
            deftness that only the most experienced dancers  reason. Most antibiotics used in agriculture
            could muster. The writing is crisp, the storytell-  violate those rules.” McKenna shows time and
            ing engaging, and the information easily digest-  time again how little restraint or forethought
            ible, with facts peppered throughout the narra-  governed what the burgeoning chicken industry
            tive to thoroughly educate but not overwhelm  was doing. This is partly understandable—post-
            the reader. Actually, there is a great deal to be  war cultural tides and an unshakeable belief in   Animal
            overwhelmed by—it is not only the complexity  science and chemistry (at a time when we had
            of the story but also the nature of the problem  a very limited understanding of both) laid the  production
            that is overwhelming. The world’s quest for big  groundwork for the deification of “better living   currently uses
            chicken involves billions of animals—cheap,  through chemistry.” Or at least, “better, cheaper   80 percent of
            convenient blocks of “meat cash” as a farmer  chicken.” This set the stage for what we see in
            once called them. These billions of animals  the antibiotic resistance epidemic.   antibiotics in
            consume hundreds of millions of pounds of    Why, when all modern industrial animals   the U.S. and
            antibiotics each year. The overuse of antibiotics  routinely receive antibiotics, is chicken the   makes use of
            has dire consequences not just for animal health,  main character in this story? The answer is,
            but for human health as well.             because chickens were first. Almost all modern  over half of
                The book explores how chicken became  industrial meat production is based on what   the antibiotics
            big and discusses the related consequences of  producers learned about, and did to, chickens.   produced
            “big” for the invisible world of mostly friendly,  Raise animals on synthetic diets? Use confine-
            but sometimes deadly, microbes. The first part  ment and incredibly crowded living conditions?  globally.

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