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Purée wet nuts or seeds in a high-powered blender with filtered water   processing.
         until smooth (about 50 seconds). Add sauerkraut juice. Purée again until   16.  Otto’s Naturals. FAQs.
         just combined (about 10 seconds). Transfer to a ceramic bowl and cover   17.  Burns AE, Bradbury JH, Cavagnaro TR, Gleadow RM.
         loosely with a towel or plate. Place in a very warm location (ideally 95   Total cyanide content of cassava food products in Australia.
                                                                           J Food Compost Anal 2012;25(1): 79-82.
         to 105 degrees Fahrenheit) for 12 hours or overnight. A dehydrator or   18.  Salvador EM, Steenkamp V, McCrindle CME. Production,
         oven with the light on works best, but the countertop will work, too, if   consumption and nutritional value of cassava (Manihot
                                                                           esculenta, Crantz) in Mozambique: an overview. J Agric
         your home temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Fermentation   Biotech Sustain Dev 2014;6(3): 29-38.
         will still occur at 70 degrees but will take about 24 hours.  19.  Gegios  A,  Amthor  R,  Maziya-Dixon  B,  et  al.  Children
                                                                           consuming cassava as a staple food are at risk for inadequate
            After soaking for 12 to 24 hours, preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahr-  zinc, iron, and vitamin A intake. Plant Foods Hum Nutr
                                                                           2010;65(1): 64-70.
         enheit. Grease a loaf pan. Sift together cassava flour, chia seed meal,   20.  Eat Your World. Leaf stews/plasas.
         baking soda and sea salt. Set aside.                              destinations/africa/general_sierra_leone/sierra_leone/
            Place eggs, fat of choice (tallow, butter, avocado oil or other high-  21.  Nelson C. What is cassareep? How to make cassareep for
         quality fat), and honey into a stand mixer or food processor and mix on   Guyanese pepperpot. The Spruce, April 4, 2017. https://
         medium speed until completely blended (about 30 seconds). Add nuts or   22.  Ogbo FC, Okafor EN. The resistant starch content of some
         seeds and cassava flour mixture. Mix with the paddle attachment until   cassava based Nigerian foods.  Nigerian Food Journal
                                                                           2015;33(1): 29-34.
         thoroughly combined, but not over-mixed. Pour into the greased loaf pan.   23.  Furusawa Y, Obata Y, Fukuda S, et al. Commensal microbe-
         Bake until a sharp knife inserted into the center comes out clean (about   derived butyrate induces the differentiation of colonic
         50 to 55 minutes). Cool completely before removing from the pan and   regulatory T cells. Nature 2013;504: 446-450.
         slicing.                                                      24.  Pereira BLB, Leonel M. Resistant starch in cassava products.
                                                                           Food Sci Technol 2014;34(2).
                                                                       25.  Phillippy BQ, Bland JM, Evens TJ. Ion chromatography of
                                                                           phytate in roots and tubers. J Agric Food Chem 2003;51(2):
         Megan Stevens has spent over five years overseeing her family’s healing   350-353.
         on a grain-free diet. She and her husband have owned a GAPS, paleo   26.  Food and Agriculture Organization. Phytate. http://www.
         and Weston A. Price traditional foods cafe in Eugene, Oregon for seven   27.  Annor  GA,  Debrah  KT,  Essen  A.  Mineral  and  phytate
         years. She meets with clients on healing journeys as a recipe consultant,   contents of some prepared popular Ghanaian foods. Spring-
                                                                           erplus 2016;5: 581.
         teaching individuals how to cook and thrive on GAPS, paleo or Weston   28.  Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. BioCassava Plus.
         A. Price traditional food. She also is the creator of the Eat Beautiful blog
         ( and author of the cookbook and eCookbook, Eat   research-institutes/institute-for-international-crop-
         Beautiful: Grain-free, Sugar-free and Loving It.              29.  Nayar A. Grants aim to fight malnutrition. Nature, April
                                                                           14, 2011.
         REFERENCES                                                    30.  Kolapo AL, Sanni MO. A comparative evaluation of the
         1.   Stuart’s Brasil. Aipim, mandioca, manioc, pão-de-pobre, cassava (Manihot esculenta). http://  macronutrient  and  micronutrient  profiles  of  soybean-
    fortified gari and tapioca. Food Nutr Bull 2009;30(1): 90-94.
         2.   Hillocks RJ, Thresh JM, Bellotti AC (Eds.). Cassava: Biology, Production and Utilization.   31.
            Oxon, UK: CABI Publishing, 2002.                           32.  Stevens  M.  Cassava  flour  sourdough  waffles.  http://
         3.   Montagnac JA, Davis CR, Tanumihardjo SA. Nutritional value of cassava for use as a staple
            food and recent advances for improvement. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and   waffles-grain-free-reduce-phytic-acid-increase-nutrition-
            Food Safety 2009;8: 181-194.                                   sourdough-learn-make-grain-freepaleo-sourdough-
         4.   Oxford Business Group. Nigeria raises the economic profile of cassava. https://www.oxfordbusi-  recipes/.
         5.   Chikezie PC, Ojiako OA. Cyanide and aflatoxin loads of processed cassava (Manihot escu-
            lenta) tubers (garri) in Njaba, Imo State, Nigeria. Toxicol Int 2013;20(3): 261-267.
         6.   Lixandru M. Properties and benefits of cassava. Nature Word, March 22, 2015. https://www.
                                NEW PERK FOR WAPF
         7.   Wikipedia. Konzo.
         8.   Rusli M, Kao L, Sara-Nunez L, Perman A. Acute pancreatitis after consuming 3.5 pounds   MEMBERS-ONLY FACEBOOK!
            of cassava. JSM Gastroenterol Hepatol 2015;3(3): 1047.
         9.   O’Hair SK. Cassava: toxicities. Purdue University, Center for New Crops & Plant Products,   We have created a closed Facebook group for
            1995.  WAPF members who are interested in con-
         10.  Kwok J. Cyanide poisoning and cassava. Food Safety Focus 2008, Issue 19. Hong Kong,   necting with one another and with chapter
            Centre for Food Safety.
            media_pub_fsf_19_01.html.                                    leaders worldwide. This is a perfect forum
         11.  Irtwange SV, Achimba O. Effect of the duration of fermentation on the quality of gari. Curr   for advice on how to implement the Wise
            Res J Biol Sci 2009;1(3): 150-154.                           Traditions diet or to ask particular questions
         12.  Sanni AI, Morlon-Guyot J, Guyot JP. New efficient amylase-producing strains of Lactobacillus
            plantarum and L. fermentum isolated from different Nigerian traditional fermented foods.   about Nourishing Traditions or other similar
            Int J Food Microbiol 2002;72(1-2):53-62.                     recipes. Go to
         13.  Integrated Cassava Project. Gari.  westonapricefoundation/ or look up  “The
         14.  Bryan L. 5 things you need to know about cassava flour. Downshiftology, July 7, 2017. https://
    Weston A. Price Foundation Members’
         15.  Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Cassava flour and starch: importance of quick   Group” and ask to join today!

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