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a “custom slaughterhouse” to in-state consumers. The bill would not   over, the USDA document handed out at the
            legalize the sale of such meat, but would leave it to each state to decide   September meeting included imposing this new
            whether and how to allow meat processed at custom slaughterhouses to   federal requirement intra-state, even if the cattle
            be sold to individuals and businesses within their states. If the bill can   never cross state lines! While not as broad or
            gain sufficient support (as evidenced by a strong co-sponsor list), it stands   all-encompassing as NAIS, this proposal would
            a chance of being added as an amendment to the Farm Bill.      impose significant costs, burdens and govern-
                WAPF will be doing email action alerts with more details and specific   ment intrusion on small farmers who are raising
            talking points early in 2018, please watch for them! Your activism truly   cattle for their local communities.
            makes a difference.                                               At  the agribusiness conference,  USDA
                                                                           stated that it would publish its findings and
            ANIMAL ID                                                      recommendations in the Federal Register in
                In the last issue of Wise Traditions, I wrote about the USDA’s public   October. But as of December 4, when this ar-
            meetings in the spring and summer of this year. The current Animal   ticle goes to print, it has not done so. Viewed
            Disease Traceability (ADT) program requires some form of official   optimistically, this delay might suggest that the
            identification when adult cattle (over 18 months) are moved across state   agency is reconsidering its position based on the
            lines; the identification can be a traditional low-tech ID like a metal brite   pushback it got at the meeting and afterwards.
            tag. This limited, low-tech approach was put it in place after a massive   The more likely explanation is simply that the
            grassroots campaign against the National Animal Identification System   bureaucracy moves slowly.
            (NAIS), which called for electronic ID and tracking of all livestock ani-     USDA also has a track record of publishing
            mals in every state.                                           bad documents around the holidays—often the
                When ADT was adopted, USDA indicated that there would be a   day before Thanksgiving, Christmas or New
            second phase, in which the requirements for low-tech forms of ID when   Years. This tendency is shared by many govern-
            cattle are moved interstate would be extended to cover younger cattle,   ment agencies, presumably because it reduces
            those under 18 months of age. That “Phase Two” of ADT was supposedly   the chances of any media coverage and makes
            the topic of these public meetings when they were first announced. But it   it more difficult for grassroots groups that op-
            quickly became clear that USDA and its agribusiness allies had different   pose the agencies to get the public’s attention.
            plans, namely to try to revive significant portions of NAIS.   So please watch carefully for action alerts right
                I attended the meeting in Texas, and worked with people in multiple   at the end of the year.
            states to ensure that the voices of a range of livestock owners were heard.      The good news is that, unlike NAIS, we
            At the Texas meetings and others, there was strong pushback against any   are aware of the issue and organized early in
            attempt to mandate electronic ID.                              the process. We beat the program back once
                Yet, at an agribusiness conference in late September, when USDA   before, and we can do it again.
            unveiled its “summary” of the meetings, it claimed that there was a
            general consensus to support moving ahead with electronic ID. More-

                                              CHILDREN AT WISE TRADITIONS 2017

                Rosie Ueng teaches sauerkraut making at the      Allison Evans and Kelly Love, with her daughter, of Branch
                    Wise Traditions children’s program.           Basics which donated cleaning supplies for our hotel stay.

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