Page 91 - Winter2017
P. 91

A Campaign for Real Milk

                                            By Cindy Ashy

                 After almost two years of trying, the citi-  low the state regulations. Local food artisans,
            zens of Humboldt County, California finally get  in most counties, can use certified raw milk to
            their way! The local ban on raw milk sales,  produce local raw milk products to sell in the
            local ordinance 512, is back on the Humboldt  same county. Humboldt County citizens just
            County Board of Supervisors’ agenda for Janu-  want these same rights.
            ary 23, 2018, with a strong request to repeal   Bill Schaser has been selected to make the
            it. At the persistance of constituents, Virginia  formal presentation to the board on behalf of all
            Bass, County Supervisor of the 4th District, has  raw milk advocates in Humboldt County. Bill
            agreed to put the issue back on the agenda for  is well known in the community, having been
            discussion and possibly rescinding the raw milk  a popular high school science teacher for thirty
            ban. Ryan Sundberg, County Supervisor of the  years, most of it at Eureka High School. Bill is
            5th District, will be the chair running the meet-  also a local hero to many for his substantial role
            ing. The fate of this very unpopular ordinance  in getting a GMO ban to “prohibit the propaga-
            now rests with the five Humboldt supervisors.  tion, cultivation, raising, or growing of geneti-
                                                      cally modified organisms in Humboldt County,”   A Campaign
            CHANGE IN THE SITUATION                   which passed with 61 percent of the vote in 2014.  for Real Milk
                This is not the first time the citizens of   When asked about the raw milk ban in   is a project of
            Humboldt have banded together demanding  Humboldt, Bill had this to say: “I believe raw   the Weston A.
            that their supervisors lift this unpopular and  milk is a very healthy food but mainly I think
            outdated ban on raw milk. The same issue was  Humboldt County is getting in the way of   Price
            formally brought before the board across two  freedom of choice and a food movement that is   Foundation.
            meetings in 2010 and 2011. However, the cir-  growing rapidly. As organic foods have become   To obtain
            cumstances in the dairy industry have changed  more popular, there has been a renaissance of   some of our
            since then, and citizens have become even more  traditional artisan foods such as raw milk cheese   informative
            tenacious in their resolve to have this ban per-  and raw milk kefir. The increasing industrializa-
            manently removed. Please see Part 1 and Part 2  tion of highly processed foods, such as pasteur-  Real Milk
            (posted at for more on the history  ized milk products, has undermined our health   brochures,
            of the raw milk ban in Humboldt County.   for decades. People in Humboldt are demanding   contact the
                The citizens of Humboldt are really only  raw milk and they should have the freedom to   Foundation at
            asking to have the same freedom as the rest  choose raw milk just like the other thirty-nine   (202)
            of California. Both the sale and production of  million people who live in California.”  363-4394.
            raw milk is already legal in the entire state of   If the raw milk ban is lifted, the first raw
            California and has been for a long time, except  milk to be sold in Humboldt stores will be   Check out our
            for three rural counties: Humboldt, Trinity and  Mark McAfee’s Organic Pastures certified raw   website,
            Kings. Together, the population of these three  organic milk. Mark and his team are known for
            counties makes up less than one percent of the  their community outreach programs. They host   for additional
            total California population. So, more than 99  school groups, sleepovers, bike tours and other   information
            percent of all Californians already have the legal  special events on their lush green farm. It’s the
            opportunity to purchase certified raw milk at  kind of idyllic place that raw milk advocates   and sources
            their local food stores. They also have the right  dream about, with truly happy cows who pro-  of Real Milk
            to set up a raw milk dairy, as long as they fol-  duce rich delicious milk! Some believe that these   products.

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