Page 96 - Winter2017
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Juan then volunteered to describe a typical conversation he and other manent record, while the records of those who
ENF employees often have with new people who move to Humboldt opposed lifting the ban remain.
County from other parts of California where raw milk is legal: The citizens bringing this issue back to the
Customer: “Are you out of raw milk? I can’t find it anywhere. Isn't board January 23, 2018, are specifically asking
this a natural food store?” the chair and other supervisors to ensure that
ENF employee: “I’m sorry, raw milk is illegal here in Humboldt proper rules of order are followed this time
County. We aren’t allowed to sell it here.” around, and that everyone in attendance be
Customer: “You’ve got to be kidding me! Raw milk is the only milk treated with equal respect. Citizens are also ask-
I can drink without getting sick! I just moved here. What am I supposed ing to be given equal time for their presentations
to do?” as county employees, since they are the ones
ENF employee: “Some people buy it online but the shipping costs bringing the issue to the board, and the people
more than the milk.” whom the supervisors actually represent. They
Customer: “Isn’t there a local farmer I can buy raw milk from?” also want the opportunity to respond this time
ENF employee: “Technically, that’s illegal in Humboldt, too. How- around to the county health department, and any
ever, some people buy their own cow or goat.” other county officials, offering their “advice” on
The customer, stunned at this news, walks away grumbling and the raw milk issue.
shaking his/her head. Some even threaten to leave Humboldt. Hopefully, It may also be recommended that extra time
the January 23, 2018 meeting will change this situation! be allotted for public comment since so many
citizens feel deeply about this issue.
PROPER PROCEEDINGS Stay tuned for the result!
Many of the people who attended the meetings where the raw milk
ban was discussed in 2010 and 2011 felt that the meetings were conducted REFERENCES
in a lopsided way that strongly favored the vocal minority who wanted 1. Fallon SA. A campaign for real milk: full-fat,
to keep the raw milk ban in place. The meetings were also said to be pasture-fed, unprocessed. Weston A. Price Foun-
dation, PowerPoint slides 59-60, September 2011.
wrought with procedural problems that very specifically disfavored the
majority that wanted the raw milk ban repealed. Also of great concern
is the fact that the written materials that were submitted into the public
record by raw milk advocates have been somehow “lost” from the per-
Participants of the 2017 WAPF tour of Switzerland from left to right: Todd Butler (IN),
Bob Mathews (TN), Graeme and Jan Appleby (New Zealand), Judith Mudrak (NJ), Peggy Brown (IA),
Betty Dismukes (MD), Toril Jelter (CA), Sherry Woodward (IL), Chui Chen (MI), Kris Robertson (WY),
Trudy Arnold (ID), John McCormack (Australia). (Not pictured: Jeff Salzer [NV].)
96 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017