Page 95 - Winter2017
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local stores in both Arcata and Eureka, and  their McKinleyville store. He is also personally   Yes, you read
            working closely with many local food produc-  committed to people having the freedom to   that right,
            ers, sent a letter to the board on December 16,  choose their own foods. Posted on the windows
            2016, specifically asking them to put the raw  to his store, in large letters, is Hippocrates’  Humboldt
            milk issue back on the agenda. It read in part,  famous quote, “Let food be thy medicine and   County, one
            “On behalf of our more than 16,000 members  medicine be thy food.”                 of the top
            and 32,000 customers, we urge you to rescind   Juan Gagne is a veteran in the natural
            Title V, Division 1, Chapter 2, Section 512 of  food scene in Humboldt, and in an interview,  contenders

            the Humboldt County Code and lift the ban on  recounted some of the colorful local history.   for the
            the sale and production of certified raw milk  Juan grew up in southern California where raw   Cannabis
            and certified raw milk products in Humboldt  milk was readily available. He remembers being
            County.” They later requested, “. . . we ask that  really surprised to learn it was illegal in Hum- Capital of the
            you place this issue on the board’s agenda the  boldt when he first visited a friend in Humboldt   World, forces
            last week in January, 2018, or as soon after that  more than forty years ago. He then revealed it   their citizens
            time frame as possible.”                  was “no big deal” back then because his friend’s
               Given there are only about one hundred  neighbor owned a cow and the son would deliver  to consider
            forty thousand people residing in the entire  warm milk straight from the cow every morn-  buying “black
            county, the North Coast Co-op represents a  ing. At this point in the interview, Juan paused   market”
            significant percentage of the total population.  to joke, “Shhh. . . don’t tell anyone!” which of
            The board took this action after discussing it  course is another common joke in Humboldt due  raw milk!
            at several board meetings and sending out a  to the various circulating stories of Humboldt
            survey to their members in their May, 2016  County’s crackdown on “black market” raw
            newsletter. The results of their member survey  milk. But since this was forty years ago, Juan
            were strongly in favor of wanting certified raw  joked it was safe enough to let the secret out.
            milk in Humboldt and right on par with frequent  He added, “That’s just the way everyone had to
            comments made by customers in both of their  do it back then.”
            stores. At least one person from the North Coast   Yes, you read that right, Humboldt County,
            Co-op will make public comment at the January  one of the top contenders for the Cannabis Capi-
            23, 2018 meeting.                         tal of the World, forces its citizens to consider
               Humboldt is famous for its farmers mar-  buying “black market” raw milk!
            kets, with many out-of-town visitors saying   Long story short, Juan ended up staying in
            they’re the best farmers markets they’ve ever  Humboldt and worked at the local Food Co-op
            been to. According to staff and a member of  in the early days. He then landed at Chautauqua
            the Northcoast Growers Association, vendors at  Natural Foods in Garberville where Peg An-
            the local Humboldt farmers markets get asked  derson, another beloved local legend, took him
            “all the time” whether they have raw milk to  under her wing and taught him everything she
            sell or if they know someone else who sells it.  knew about local and organic produce. Even-
            Often, these customers are from out of town, or  tually, Juan became the Perishables Manager
            they are people who have moved into the area  at ENF where he’s been for many years. Juan
            recently, and are surprised to learn they can’t  describes ENF’s philosophy in the following
            legally buy raw milk in such a beautiful rural  way, “Here at Eureka Natural Foods, we be-
            county with so much dedication to local food  lieve people should be able to make informed
            and farmers markets.                      choices about the foods they eat and feed to
               Rick Littlefield, the owner of Eureka Natu-  their families. Any food can be dangerous if
            ral Foods (ENF), another Humboldt favorite  improperly handled. Also, some of the most
            since 1944, appointed Juan Gagne as the “point  dangerous foods, such as NutraSweet (aspar-
            person” for the raw milk issue at ENF. Rick will  tame) and high fructose corn syrup, are those
            be making a public comment in strong support  that are most widely available! A lot of these
            of lifting the local raw milk ban on behalf of all  are not actually foods at all but rather imitation
            of his customers at both their Eureka store and  food-like substances!”

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