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give her impressions on the raw milk ban, she had plenty to say including,  the raw milk ban, which obviously reflects the
            “I’m gobsmacked! One of the reasons people want to live in Humboldt  will of most of the people in Humboldt, if the
            is the rural lifestyle with access to natural foods and the freedoms that  current supervisors do not vote to rescind the
            come with that. . . but then we have this crazy ban on raw milk! How  raw milk ban on January 23, 2018.
            can we deny Humboldt’s citizens access to raw milk when almost every   Although many pundits still seem intent
            other Californian has such easy access to raw milk, especially since we  on debating partisan politics, everyday citizens
            are learning more every day what our gut bacteria mean to our health.  seem more acutely focused on the fact that elec-
            Freedom and choice are what America was built on. Taking that away is  tions have meaningful consequences in their
            downright unAmerican!”                                        day-to-day lives, regardless of party or politics.
               When asked what she would do if she were elected supervisor and  The scales have fallen from their eyes, and they
            the raw milk ban were still in place, Dani vowed to “work to bring the  are actively supporting political candidates who
            issue back up for a vote to lift the ban.”                    truly care about solutions to problems. They
               Steve Madrone has declared in the 5th District to run against Ryan  want politicians who are responsive to the will
            Sundberg. When asked how he felt about the raw milk ban, he also had  of the citizens they represent, rather than to their
            plenty to say including, “I support removing the ban, and I support  donors or other special interests that often con-
            people’s options to buy raw milk if they choose to do so. Our family used  flict with the needs of the people who actually
            to buy and consume raw milk in the 1980s and would like to have that  elected them. Humboldt citizens, like so many
            option again. I'm not anti-government, but I believe government should  others in the country, are living in a watershed
            be there to help, not to hinder.”                             moment. The fight for easy access to safe raw
               When asked what he would do if he were elected supervisor and the  milk in Humboldt, without government interfer-
            raw milk ban were still in place, Steve stated, “If I was so honored to  ence, is an integral part of this movement and a
            represent the 5th District, and obviously I'd be only one of five supervi-  deeply felt visceral reaction for many citizens.
            sors, this issue would be a no-brainer for me. I'd use whatever means I
            could to repeal the raw milk ban.” He then added for emphasis, “When  RAW MILK FOR A BABY
            I get involved in issues, I put my whole heart into them.”        Another Humboldt citizen who plans to be
               Both Dani and Steve have said they plan to be at the meeting on Janu-  at the January 23, 2018 meeting, and speak pub-
            ary 23, 2018, and they may even give public comment, so things could  licly, is Tory Miclette, a citizen from southern
            get quite interesting. At the very least, Humboldt citizens will know they  Humboldt. She and her husband, Jordan, have
            have two new candidates for supervisor who are willing to fight to remove  a compelling story to share about the health

                                                 A NEW SERVICE FOR MEMBERS
                 Pete Kennedy is now working for the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) as a consultant on policy and legal mat-
             ters. Pete is a past president and original board member of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF). There
             is no charge for consultations with him for anyone who is a WAPF member.
                 Pete will be working on policy at the state level for WAPF, including advising members on state legislation regarding
             raw milk, cottage foods, food freedom, poultry processing and on-farm/custom slaughter. Pete has worked on successful
             state legislative efforts in all these areas. He is also available for consultation on any effort to change state administrative
             regulations and policies. Pete will be responsible for drafting action alerts for members on legislation, policy initiatives
             and other matters on the state level.
                 Raw milk laws will be a focus of his work. A long-term goal of WAPF is legal access to raw milk in all fifty states.
             That day is getting closer; there is currently legal access in forty-three.
                 Pete will be consulting with members on legal issues pertaining to the right of consumers to have access to nutrient-
             dense foods and the rights of farmers and artisans to produce those foods. He will be available to work at the adminis-
             trative level with members having an issue with regulators in federal, state or local government agencies.
                 In the past, Pete has worked on numerous matters involving FDA and USDA, state agriculture and health departments
             and local health departments on nutrient-dense foods. Work he has done at the federal, state and local administrative
             levels includes protecting farmers against threatened enforcement actions, handling food seizure, embargo and recall
             cases and right to farm/zoning issues on the people’s right to grow their own food.
                 He will also be available for consultation with WAPF members on herdshare contracts and buyer’s club agreements;
             he has worked with hundreds of farmers around the country on herdshare contracts.
                 You can reach Pete by phone at (941) 349-4984 or by email at

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