Page 94 - Winter2017
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benefit of raw milk for their young son, Waylon, rashes as a result of coughing this up.
born in 2016. Tory had intended to breastfeed Around the time baby Waylon was about four months old, a fortuitous
but found out she would be unable to do so. event occurred that changed everything. On an extended visit with her
Partly on the advice of her parents, her father mom in southern California, Tory was able to easily and legally purchase
being a natural practitioner, and her mom hav- Organic Pastures raw milk to give to her baby. Baby Waylon, who had
ing a strong knowledge of the health benefits been constantly sick, thrived on this healthy wholesome raw milk and the
of natural foods, and from her own extensive excess mucus and rashes went away! These days, the family tries to bring
independent research, Tory made the informed home enough certified raw milk after every twelve-hour round trip they
decision to give her first-born baby raw milk, take to southern California, but it’s never enough to last until the next
the closest substitute she could find for human visit, and sometimes it goes bad before Waylon can drink it all. Waylon
breast milk. is almost two now and every time they try to reintroduce pasteurized
Sadly, because of the ban on certified raw milk to him, he seems to get a cough.
milk, Tory and her family struggled to find safe Tori says, “Life would be so much easier if the raw milk ban were
raw milk for their newborn baby. As a result, lifted!” She also says that if she and her husband have another baby, she
Tory ended up feeding Waylon pasteurized cow wants to give that baby certified raw milk from the first day of life.
milk formula for the first four months of his
life. Unfortunately, Waylon did not react well LOCAL STORES AND FARMERS MARKETS
to pasteurized milk formula, even though Tory At the Jan. 23, 2018 meeting, there will also be a strong show of sup-
tried several types, including the most highly port from several, if not all, of the local grocers in Humboldt. They are
recommended brands on the market. No mat- in a good position to know the community’s heart on this issue, and their
ter which pasteurized formula she tried, baby degree of passion about it, because their customers have been demanding
Waylon seemed to constantly have excess mucus the sale of raw milk in their stores for years.
in his chest and he would get really bad facial The North Coast Co-op Board of Directors, representing popular
A long-term goal of the Weston A. Price Foundation has been the establishment of legal access to raw milk in all 50
states. When the WAPF project, A Campaign for Real Milk, started in 1999, the sale or distribution of raw milk was legal
in 27 states; today that number stands at 43. The only states that still prohibit any form of raw milk sales or distribution are
Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Nevada, New Jersey and Rhode Island. Recognizing that the day of legal access to raw
milk is getting closer, WAPF has embarked on a drive to help legalize raw milk sales and distribution in the remaining seven
A Campaign for Real Milk will be devoting more resources to support legalization efforts; this could be through paying
a lobbyist, paying for experts to testify at hearings, paying for expenses of WAPF members working on legislation, consulting
on legislation, networking with other groups or organizations or helping with the drafting of raw milk bills. Legal raw milk
access can be established through regulation, court decision, legislation or policy. A Campaign for Real Milk will focus on
legalization primarily through legislative and policy work.
The main goal of A Campaign for Real Milk will be to legalize
raw milk sales or distribution in the remaining seven states but the
campaign will also support efforts to expand raw milk access in the
other 43 states; in some of those states, access is limited at this time.
The campaign also supports work to legalize access to other raw
dairy products such as cream, butter, yogurt, kefir and cheese. These
products, other than raw cheese aged 60 days, are legally available
only in a minority of states. The drive for expanded raw dairy access
could include efforts to legalize the commercial sale of raw butter
and unaged raw cheese. Most states only allow the sale of raw milk
and raw milk products directly from the producer to the consumer
at this time.
A Campaign for Real Milk has set a goal of legalizing raw milk
access in all 50 states by 2020. WAPF, long the leading raw milk
advocacy group in the country, is excited to step up efforts to make
this happen.
94 Wise Traditions WINTER 2017