Page 83 - Winter2017
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phytates in konkonte, attributing this result to it from a company that uses appropriate processes to control temperature,
the fermentation process. This example provides moisture and toxicity (see recipes). With an awareness of proper tech-
excellent encouragement that fermenting cas- niques to eliminate cassava’s naturally occurring cyanide compounds
sava may not only reduce phytates, but in some and minimize phytic acid, cassava can become a satisfying addition to
instances, eliminate them altogether. a varied, nutrient-dense diet.
The phytate content of commercial cas-
sava flours varies by brand, depending on the SOURDOUGH CASSAVA WAFFLES
processes used to reduce the antinutrients. In Makes 8 waffles.
general, fermentation reduces phytates to a
greater extent than oven-drying. (When baking 1 1/4 cups cassava flour
with oven-dried cassava flours, consumers can (I recommend Otto’s Naturals brand)
further reduce phytates by using the techniques 4 eggs, preferably from pastured chickens
discussed in the Recipes section.) 1 cup sour or cultured raw milk*
1 cup of a hard, aged cheese (e.g., Parmesan, Romano, Pecorino,
ON THE HORIZON Asiago), grated*
Unfortunately, field trials for a genetically 1/3 cup animal fat (such as lard,
modified (GM) cassava have been taking place duck fat, butter or ghee),
for over five years and may pose a threat to melted and slightly cooled,
cassava’s genetic heritage. The stated aim of or avocado oil
the GM-biofortified cassava is to provide more 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
zinc, iron, protein, vitamin A and vitamin E to 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
undernourished consumers in low-income na-
tions who rely on cassava as a staple, and also *For a dairy-free alternative that uses sauerkraut juice to ferment the
to reduce cassava’s levels of toxic cyanogenic cassava at room temperature, visit my Eat Beautiful blog. 32
glucosides and “delay postharvest deteriora- Whisk together cassava flour, baking soda and sea salt. Puree or
tion.” The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, an whisk together wet ingredients (eggs, sour milk and melted fat). Pour the
aggressive proponent of GM foods, is providing wet ingredients into the dry and fold together. Add the cheese.
the funding for the not-yet-approved “BioCas- Store batter in the refrigerator in a quart-size mason jar. Store for
sava Plus.” Industry food scientists also have a minimum of 24 hours to sour the dough and reduce phytic acid. Stor-
tried fortifying cassava products with soybeans ing for three to five days will produce a stronger sourdough flavor and
in an attempt to address cassava’s “macronutrient greater reduction in antinutrients. Cook in waffle iron, being careful not
and micronutrient deficiencies.” 30 to overflow the batter.
I have found that it is preferable to ferment Makes one loaf (about 10 slices).
cassava flour in the refrigerator rather than at
room temperature. The general principle is to 2 cups raw nuts or seeds of choice (soaked for two hours in
combine cultured or soured raw milk with cas- warm filtered water, then drained and rinsed)
sava flour into a batter and let the batter sit in the 1/2 cup filtered water
refrigerator for three to five days. The probiotics 1/8 cup sauerkraut liquid
in the raw milk predigest the antinutrients in the 3/4 cup cassava flour (such as Otto's Naturals brand)
cassava. I use this method weekly with my deli- 3/4 cup chia seed meal (blend 2 cups chia seeds in a dry,
cious grain-free sourdough waffle batter, which I high-powered blender on medium speed for 10 seconds,
store in a mason jar. Once fermented, the batter measure after blending)
provides an easy breakfast each morning. For 2 eggs
further grain-free recipes incorporating cassava 1/4 cup tallow or butter (melted and cooled) or avocado oil
flour (including butternut squash muffins, sand- 2 tablespoons raw honey
wich bread, coffee cake and pumpkin pancakes), 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
visit my Eat Beautiful blog. 31 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
When buying cassava flour, be sure to obtain
WINTER 2017 Wise Traditions 83