Page 11 - Fall2020
P. 11
following the WAPF diet for more very healthy although some of us did Beet kvass is our favorite ferment
than ten years, I am now in some ways need braces, but none of us has been as and we like it when it has aged for at
healthier than my younger sister who healthy and fertile as our mother, nor least a year. A few times each year we
has followed the WAPF partially for my seven brothers as physically strong set up an assembly line in the kitchen
a shorter time. I believe it is never too as our father. to turn fifty to one hundred pounds
late to benefit from a better diet. I also I read Dr. Price’s book in the early of beets into kvass so that we always
stay physically active and practice yoga, 2000s. Four of my children had already have a good supply aging in the cold
stretching, and some Chi Gong five to been born, and while they were healthy storage. We love our smoothies with
six days a week, first thing in the morn- and strong, I could feel my own health clabbered milk and I make an average
ing. slipping, and I finally knew why. I of two gallons of mesophilic yogurt
I am a researcher, not a health have long felt that the greatest resource each week, sometimes more when we
professional, and am still need to drain it for whey or
learning. I spend many hours when our neighbor’s cow
each week reading books has freshened.
and articles about health and My oldest three chil-
nutrition and haven’t found dren were vaccinated. The
anything that provides a bet- first two seemed to handle
ter path to health than what I them fine but the GAPS
have learned from Dr. Price diet has helped the third
and the WAPF. one heal from their devas-
Carolyn Biggerstaff tating effects and from my
Houston, Texas mistakes as a young and
ignorant mother.
Cooper Children
TOOTH ABSCESS HEALED Our diet has not been
I healed a tooth abscess and saved on this planet is the human mind and perfect, but thanks to the principles
my tooth with the WAPF approach. It soul. We wanted a larger family, and taught by Dr. Price, the WAPF, and
took me about four years but the abscess knowing I needed to make changes Dr. Campbell-McBride, we continue
is healed. I’m amazed! Lots of butter to our diet, I immediately sought out to improve. I have great hopes for our
oil, cod liver oil, local raw milk, bone a source of raw milk, and it has been future health and for the health of my
broth and bone marrow supplements, foundational to our diet ever since. We unborn grandchildren. I am very grate-
along with detoxing. started using cod liver oil. ful to have access to the vast work and
Not sure whether these helped, but A dear friend introduced me to painstaking efforts of this foundation
I also used iodine, salt water rinses, the WAPF. I am so grateful for the and the people associated with it. Thank
oil pulling, and food grade hydrogen resources you have provided to help you for all you have done to help turn
peroxide. me apply the principles documented the tide of physical degeneration!
Dave Bowers by Dr. Price. Incorporating traditional Monica Cooper
Salida, Colorado foods and preparation practices has Bluffdale, Utah
taken time and effort but has been a
NINE HEALTHY great blessing for my family. We love
WISE TRADITIONS KIDS our sourdough and natural yeast bread.
I am happy to share this photo of We eat a lot of homemade soup, espe-
my nine children. cially in the winter, and we often wake
I was blessed to have been raised up to the smell of broth percolating in
on raw milk, home-grown beef and the crockpot. My husband calls it the
pastured eggs, although our diet also “smell of home,” and he says he can
included processed food. My mother feel his body thank him when he drinks Gifts and bequests to the
gave birth to sixteen healthy and well- it. High vitamin butter oil made a huge Weston A. Price Foundation
formed children (she loves sardines and difference in my later pregnancies and I will help ensure
liver), including two sets of twins in am a firm believer in it for helping form the gift of good health
less than two years. We have all been beautiful babies. to future generations.
FALL 2020 Wise Traditions 9